The Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) collaborated with PT Taspen (Persero) in developing human resources by signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and conducting a webinar with the theme Leadership in Marketplace. Located in the Kertanegara Room FEB UGM, Friday (12/17/2021), the President Director of PT Taspen (Persero), Mr. Antonius N.S. Kosasih. This webinar is held as a form of facing the challenges of graduates who are ready to work, and how the Indonesian generation will face the uncertainty of the situation in the future.
Dr. Didi Achjari gave a speech to open the series of events. Didi revealed that this collaboration provides an opportunity for internship and doing research.
“Alhamdulillah, of course we are very happy to be working with PT Taspen. Starting from giving opportunity for internship, especially related to the Kampus Merdeka Program where the students are welcome to take part in internships, this is a good opportunity to know the ins and outs of PT Taspen, not only for students, lecturers can also do research with the signed MoU, thank you PT Taspen “, said Didi.
The event was continued by the presentation of Mr. Antonius N.S. Kosasih or is often called Steve regarding Leadership in Marketplace. The man who is also an alumni of FEB UGM started his presentation by saying that in this era full of uncertainty, we need to be selective in sorting and selecting information.
“We nowadays like to consume raw information through the internet, if it has become a perception that it is reality or not, it is perceived as wrong or right, but it is recognized as the new truth,”
Then regarding being a leader in the world requires not only going far, but also going fast, so an easy-to-understand way of delivery is the main key to becoming a leader.
“Simplicity is king! What we convey, how to convey something in a simple way is the most important factor,” said Steve.
According to Steve, what makes a great leader is having the ability to make things happen through people.
“The cool thing is, a great leader is (often) invisible, but we always see the results of that leadership,” said Steve.
In addition, the important thing that determines good leadership is teamwork, because good teamwork will make good leadership too.
“Leadership works when how we communicate well and according to what is expected, we have to understand, making people easy to understand, because what makes people do something is what they understand,” said Steve.
Steve gives tips on how a leader acts properly. According to him, a leader needs to understand the key issue, because basically when people don’t understand what a leader is saying, the error is not in the content delivered, but in the way it is delivered.
“Moreover, the visual senses determine 55% of the effectiveness of our messages, wrong messages conveyed can be justified by the recipient of the message,” said Steve.
Another aspect according to Steve to be a great leader is how to understand the elements of T.E.A.M (Together Everybody Achieve More).
The first way to achieve T.E.A.M is through Respect, which is to ensure that what is conveyed is the customer’s needs so that they will follow suit. Second, a leader needs to use Empathy to understand potential customers. Third, Audible, the message to be conveyed is successfully conveyed through any media, be it from cellphones, mass media, and so on. The message conveyed needs to have an aspect of clarity, namely the content of the message is clear and understandable. Lastly is Humble, a leader needs to prioritize the interests of others over personal interests, because a good leader is a leader that people follow voluntarily without coercion.
In closing, Steve said that a leader must be innovative. Have ideas that can be implemented and can make something useful for the benefit of many people.
“Besides being innovative, we need to be in the action, because the key to the success of an idea is cool execution,” concluded Steve.
Reportage: Sony Budiarso/Kirana Lalita Pristy