Many people say that the world of college is a gateway to a future career. This is what makes some students worry about their lives after graduating from college. Coupled with the increase in the unemployment rate for undergraduates in Indonesia which also causes anxiety in some university students. To help with this problem, the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UGM held an Alumni Sharing Session on Saturday (18/09) with the theme “Life after Graduation: Potential Career Path for FEB Students.”
This event was moderated by Anggraeni Pranandari, SE, M.Sc. who led the discussion about career paths after graduation for undergraduate and postgraduate students at FEB UGM. The speakers in this webinar are FEB UGM alumni who have had extraordinary career paths. The first speaker was Muhammad Idrus, S.E., alumni of FEB Department of economics and development studies 1993 who is now the CEO and Founder of CV Trust One Indonesia and PT Revorma Infinit Indonesia. Furthermore, the second speaker at this webinar was Dodit Wiweko Probojakti, S.E., MBA, an alumnus of the Accounting Undergraduate program at FEB UGM in 1986 and is now the Director of Finance and Risk Management at PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero).
Idrus conveyed about where the graduates of FEB UGM students would pursue their careers. In general, the career prospects of FEB UGM graduates are working in the public sector or government, banking, becoming a lecturer, researcher, company manager, and many more. Meanwhile, the opportunity for FEB UGM graduates to work in mineral and coal mining companies is also wide open. This is because as per 2021, the number of these companies has reached 5,735. Several ways to have a career at those companies are by preparing yourself, starting from creating a CV, utilizing alumni data, all the way to writing business proposals.
After that, it was continued with the second speaker, namely Dodit. In the material session, he explained that there are 3 important things that students must have if they wish to pursue a career. First, you have to stand out from other students at FEB UGM. Second, you must have a competitive spirit because you will compete with other students from various universities. Third, you must have the ability to convince them of your potential.
Dodit also explained that the interview stage when applying for a job is not easy. Applicants must convince the interviewer of their abilities. In addition, the existence of a situation such as the Covid-19 pandemic may cause things to easily change. Therefore, as a student, you must understand the risks that will occur when choosing a company or business for a career.
Reportage: Merisa Anggraini