In celebration of the 67th Anniversary, the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) enlivened the event with sports activities, one of which was a football match. In The Trofeo Fun Football 67th FEB UGM Anniversary, the football matches were attended by 3 teams, each team consisting of 11 people.
The members of the three teams, namely Guyub, Rukun, and Migunani came from the Academic Community of FEB UGM and the Alumni Family of FEB UGM (KAFEGAMA). In the rules, each team will compete twice so it will be against all the existing teams. The football game was opened with remarks from the Dean of FEB UGM, Prof. Dr. Didi Achjari M.Com., Ak., CA. In his speech, he said that these games are friendly matches and that all participants must uphold sportsmanship. Prof. Didi also wished good luck for the competing players and advised them not to hurt each other because we are a big family of FEB UGM.
The football match starts with Guyub Team against Rukun Team. This match was very lively and full of enthusiasm from the players. The excitement of the Dies Natalis event was felt in the match. After completing three games with, Rukun Team managed to win the match. Congratulations to Rukun Team for successfully winning and bringing the rotating Trophy of Trofeo FEB UGM Anniversary.
Reportage: Merisa Anggraini