Departing from the confusion of teaching lecturers who just returned after receiving Master’s or Doctoral education abroad to seek loans with the aim of property ownership, the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) held an exhibition entitled “KPR Expo FEB UGM” for the first time and a seminar entitled “Financial Planning for Property Investment” on Friday (21/10). The event is open to the public, but especially for lecturers, education staff, and also students at UGM who are interested in owning property and want to learn about property investment and credit lending.
The KPR Expo FEB UGM 2022 exhibition is an exhibition offering Home Ownership Loans (KPR) which was held the Tuesday of the FEB UGM Learning Center Building in collaboration with banking partners. Banking partners at the exhibition included Bank BTN, Bank Jateng, Bank Mandiri, Bank Syariah Indonesia, Bank BNI, and BPR UGM. By visiting the booths of each partner, it is hoped that KPR Expo visitors can be facilitated to own property through loans (KPR).
In addition to holding a mortgage expo exhibition, FEB UGM also held a Financial Planning Seminar for Property Investment. The purpose of holding this seminar is as a vehicle for financial planning education for property investment, especially for young lecturers and education staff at Gadjah Mada University. This seminar was held in the Audio Visual Room, FEB UGM. The event opened with remarks given by Gumilang Aryo Sahadewo, SE, MA, Ph.D. as Vice Dean for Research, Community Service, Cooperation, and Alumni.
The first speaker at the financial planning seminar was Harizul Akbar, ST, M.Ec.Dev., AssocRICS., MAPPI (Cert.) as Chair of the MAPPI Research and Development Institute. Harizul explained what related to property, genuine property. Real Property itself is the right of individuals or legal entities to own land with a land right. He explained that judging from the property price increase index, the city of Yogyakarta is included as the city that has the highest property price increase index. He also added that everyone’s investment goals are different. Some want to do it out of necessity and some want to maximize profits. However, Harizul emphasized that the main objective of the investment is to maximize income and minimize risk.
The seminar continued with the second speaker, namely Boyke Rudy Purnomo, SE., MM, PhD., CFP as Secretary of the Management Department FEB UGM. In his seminar, he explained that financial planning is a way to be able to manage finances well to help achieve financial goals. Everyone has different dreams so financial planning cannot be the same for everyone. Boyke explained that the profit level when investing in the property sector in Indonesia could reach 35%. In addition, Boyke also explained that there are weaknesses in the property business, namely relatively low liquidity, the need for large capital, continuous management, and the need for government control.
Furthermore, the seminar was closed with a question and answer session between the speakers and participants related to financial management for investing. In addition, there is also a discussion about the risks and things that must be prepared when you want to invest in a mortgage. With the Financial Planning Seminar for Property Investment and KPR Expo, UGM academic community can realize the importance of investing in property.
Reportage: Kirana Lalita Pristy and Merisa Anggraini