The Master in Accounting Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (MAKSI FEB UGM) achieved Superior accreditation from the Institute of Accreditation for Economics, Management, Business, and Accounting Programs (LAMEMBA).
Dean of FEB UGM, Prof. Dr. Didi Achjari, S.E., M.Com., AK., CA., said that obtaining LAMEMBA accreditation was a proud achievement. This is the first accreditation carried out by MAKSI FEB UGM to LAMEMBA because it was previously accredited through the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). MAKSI is one of the study programs at FEB UGM that is included in the scope and is accredited by AACSB.
“Congratulations to the MAKSI Study Program and all leaders and professional staff for achieving LAMEMBA Superior accreditation. “This Superior accreditation reflects the excellent quality of education in the MAKSI FEB Study Program,” he said.
Meanwhile, Secretary of the MAKSI FEB UGM Study Program, Prof. Irwan Taufiq Ritonga, M.Bus., Ph.D., Ak., CA, said that the achievement of the LAMEMBA Superior accreditation is proof that the FEB UGM MAKSI Study Program is one of the best accounting master’s programs in Indonesia that always sustainably maintains the quality of education.
“LAMEMBA’s superior accreditation achievement proves that the FEB UGM MAKSI Study Program is the leading accounting master’s program in Indonesia,” said Irwan on Thursday (28/3) at the FEB UGM Campus.
UGM FEB MAKSI Study Program received LAMEMBA Superior accreditation from 30 April 2024 to 30 April 2029. This accreditation status was obtained after the publication of the Decree on Accreditation Results from LAMEMBA Number: 1062/DE/A.5/AR.10/III/2024. Previously, the Maxi FEB UGM Study Program had received Superior accreditation from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) from 27 May 2020 to 30 April 2024. However, since 2022, BAN-PT accreditation has been implemented for the fields of Economics, Management, Business, and Accounting (EMBA) switched to LAMEMBA, including accreditation for the MAKSI FEB UGM Study Program.
Apart from being accredited at the national level, the FEB UGM MAKSI Study Program is one of the study programs at FEB UGM, which is included in the scope and is accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB).
Irwan hopes that the results of this Superior accreditation will become a foundation for the MAKSI FEB UGM Study Program to continue maintaining the provision of quality postgraduate accounting education. Apart from that, the FEB UGM MAKSI Study Program can be a benchmark for other university accounting master’s study programs in Indonesia.
“The FEB UGM MAKSI Study Program will continue to be committed to improving the quality of accounting higher education and becoming a thought leader in the field of accounting in Indonesia,” he explained.
Currently, the FEB UGM MAKSI Study Program is the accounting master’s study program that offers the most complete concentration in Indonesia. Six study concentrations are offered, namely Public Accounting, Management Accounting, Accounting, Finance, Auditing, Information Systems, and Sharia Accounting.
“The FEB UGM Maxi Study Program has six concentrations, which makes us the most comprehensive accounting master’s study program in Indonesia and the only one with a Sharia Accounting concentration,” said Taufik.
This study program has succeeded in building strong networks with partners at both national and international levels. To date, cooperation has been successfully established with 24 partners, including 20 university partners, three domestic institutional partners, and one foreign university partner.
One of the strategic collaborations carried out is the Linkage Program, which is a program developed to accommodate the interests of students who wish to obtain an academic degree as well as a professional certification and accounting competency degree (AK, CA, CPAI and CPA) and a Masters in Accounting (M.Acc.). These two degrees and designations can be obtained by participating in both programs (PPAk and MAKSI) simultaneously.
The following strategic collaboration program is the dual degree program for the FEB UGM MAKSI Study Program with the Victoria Graduate School of Business, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia. The implementation of this program aims to answer the global challenge of the need for graduates with international competencies.
UGM FEB MAKSI Study Program currently has 40 professional teaching staff, of which 15 have professor degrees and 25 have doctoral degrees. With the support of professional teaching staff, it is hoped to strengthen further efforts to produce accountants and professionals in the field of information who are quality, ethical, and globally competitive.
As part of FEB UGM, the MAKSI Study Program is committed to supporting the faculty’s vision of becoming a leading economics and business faculty. Strong support is also provided by the MAKSI Study Program to support the faculty’s mission of developing future leaders in economics and business to develop aspects of sustainability.
Reportage: Kurnia Ekaptiningrum