The Gadjah Mada University Faculty of Economics and Business Alumni Association Class of 1994 (KAFEGAMA 94) held a reunion with the theme “Kumpul Gayeng Tamba Kangen” on Saturday, September 28, 2024 at the FEB UGM campus. The event marked the 30th anniversary since the alums began their studies at UGM in 1994.
Muhajir, S.E., chairman of KAFEGAMA 94 and the reunion committee, explained that the event aimed to strengthen the bonds among the alumni of the class of 1994. The alums were brought back together through this reunion to rekindle memories of their college days 30 years ago.
“This reunion serves as a gathering of old friends, many of whom are reuniting after 30 years. It’s a chance to reminisce about our college days,” he explained on Saturday (9/28).
Muhajir also expressed his gratitude to the FEB UGM leadership for their support in organizing the 30-year reunion of the Class of 1994. He hoped that future reunions could include even more alums.
The 30th KAFEGAMA 94 reunion was attended by 121 alums from the three study programs of FEB UGM, who now reside in different regions of Indonesia. During the event, the alums took a nostalgic walk around the UGM campus, starting from the FEB UGM campus and continuing to UGM Balairung. Afterward, alums from each program visited several tourist destinations in Yogyakarta and concluded with a gala dinner with the FEB UGM leadership team.
Dean of FEB UGM, Prof. Dr. Didi Achjari, M.Com., Ak., CA., stated that the reunion allowed alums to reconnect and relive memories of their time studying at FEB UGM. It was also an essential event for the faculty, as alums are integral to the campus.
“It is an honor for us when alumni return to the faculty, including during the accreditation process when they provide testimonials to reassure the evaluators,” he said.
Didi highlighted alums’ significant contributions to supporting campus program development. One example is through mentoring programs, in which alumni come to campus to offer insights on preparing to enter the workforce and provide a real-world perspective on working life.
“We prepare our students with appropriate soft skills so they are not only academically proficient. They hope they will be well-equipped to become leaders in their respective fields when they graduate. That’s why it’s gratifying when alumni accept invitations to contribute through mentoring programs,” he said.
Didi also paid tribute to alums from various classes who have shown a solid commitment to supporting the education of their juniors. This commitment is demonstrated through a range of support, such as scholarships and laptop donations, which mainly benefit students from underprivileged families.
“We greatly appreciate the dedication of KAGAMA and KAFEGAMA alumni from various classes who have shown tremendous concern for the current students. Many of the faculty’s programs have been supported by KAFEGAMA,” he concluded.
Reportage: Kurnia Ekaptiningrum
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