The Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM), once again held an activity to strengthen and train the soft skills of undergraduate students through the STAR LEAD program (Soft Skills Training and Recharging Leadership Exploration and Development).
The STAR LEAD program, held on September 6-7, 2024, and September 20-21, 2024, provided writing training with the theme “Writing Skill: Academic and Reference Manager. The training was given to FEB UGM students of the class of 2023 in the computer lab of the FEB UGM Learning Center building with a total of 11 sessions.
Head of the Career and Student Development Unit (CSDU) FEB UGM, Arizona Mustikarini, Ph.D., explained that STAR LEAD is a program designed to support the development of students’ soft skills. This is in line with the mission of FEB UGM to develop future leaders in business and economics to develop sustainable aspects.
“Undergraduate students of FEB UGM are required to follow 8 STAR LEAD themes from the first semester to the fifth semester,” he explained on Wednesday (2/10) at FEB UGM.
The eight themes are Study-Life Balance, Critical Thinking, Presentation Skills, Writing Skills: Anti-Plagiarism, Leadership and Negotiation Skills, Writing Skills: Academic and Reference Manager, Personal Branding, and Interviewing Skills. The eight STAR LEAD topics were developed in collaboration with the accounting, management, and economics programs and are tailored to the graduate profiles’ needs and each program’s competency objectives.
In the Writing Skill: Academic and Reference Manager, students are introduced to Microsoft Word and Zotero features that support student activities in writing assignments and theses. This Writing Skill training was conducted in 11 sessions, with details of 9 sessions of material delivered in Indonesian and 2 in English. This facilitates sessions for students who want to take classes according to their respective programs (IUP / Regular) or the desired schedule.
The training activities began with a pre-test to measure the depth of the student’s general knowledge before receiving the primary material. In addition, the participants received explanations from the librarian of FEB UGM and were accompanied by facilitators in the Indonesian session. In the English session, the material was delivered by a lecturer from the Accounting Study Program of FEB UGM, Dr. Puspita Ghany A., S.E., who facilitators from the FEB UGM library team also accompanied. After the training, participants were required to take a post-test to measure the development of students’ understanding after attending all the sessions and receiving the Writing Skill materials.
Source: CSDU
Editor: Kurnia Ekaptiningrum
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