Sandra Pracipta, CPA, CA, M.Acc., a representative of the Certification Board of the Indonesian Institute of Certified Public Accountants (IAPI), outlined the essential skills that public accountants must master. She delivered this speech to 80 new students of the Accounting Professional Program at the Faculty of Economics and Business UGM during a public lecture held at the Pertamina Tower Auditorium, FEB UGM, on August 19, 2024.
Sandra emphasized that a public accountant must have strong technical skills (hard skills). Key technical competencies include a deep understanding of accounting principles, financial reporting standards, auditing, taxation, and other related regulations.
“These competencies are critical to ensuring that the financial statements prepared or audited comply with applicable rules and standards,” she explained.
In addition to strong technical skills, she added that public accountants must also be able to analyze data in addition to strong technical skills. Public accountants often must process complex data and need analytical skills to evaluate the information, identify issues, and make appropriate recommendations.
In addition to technical skills, public accountants also need non-technical skills (soft skills). One critical skill is teamwork. In addition, accountants must have strong communication and negotiation skills.
“To become a professional public accountant, not only are strong technical skills necessary, but soft skills are also essential,” she concluded.
Reportage: Utari Widoretno/PPAk FEB UGM
Editor: Kurnia Ekaptiningrum
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