Masters of Management Program (MM), Faculty of Economics and Business UGM plants 7250 tree seedlings in Gondang, Umbulharjo Village, Cangkringan District, Sunday (15/5). The tree seedlings assistance consists of 6000 sengon seeds, 502 mahogany seeds, 465 munggur seeds, 33 tamarind Java seeds, 200 stinky bean seeds, and 50 durian seeds. In addition, 8750 vegetable seedlings in form of polybags, such as chili, eggplant, tomatoes, cabbage, and bean, each of them in a packet of 1750 seeds and manure are delivered to temporary housing in Plosokerep.
The delivery of aid was conducted symbolically through the planting of the seedling by Director of MM, Prof. Dr. Lincolin Arsyad, and Deputy Director for Finance and General Affairs, Dr. Hardo Basuki, M. Soc. Sc., in Sinolewah campsite. The planting was attended by the head of Cangkringan sub-district, Samsul Bakri, S.I.P, M.M, and village chief, Bejo Mulyo.
Lincolin Arsyad said that the delivery of tree seedlings aid is to implement the ethics mainstreaming concept which is being developed by MM in the learning process. “This concept prioritizes academic ethics, social ethics and environmental ethics that are taught in each course to students. We invite the entire academic community to work together to increase environment awareness, one of them through this tree seeds planting activity,” he said.
He added that this tree planting activity is not incidental, but has been planned and is sustainable. The next activity is to assist economic recovery process of Merapi eruption victims. “We are planning to make one of the villages in Sleman as a development target village, perhaps the Umbulharjo village would be our target,” he added.
Before Umbulharjo, Beji and Kemadang Village, Gunung Kidul are the previous development target village of MM in implementing community development programs, as well as to actualize the ethics mainstreaming learning among students. “We always adjust to the curriculum. We want the graduates to be not only smart, but also have good ethics,” he said.
Head of Cangkringan sub-district, Samsul Bahri, S.I.P, M.M, expressed his pride over the concern towards the environmental recovery in the Cangkringan damaged areas after the eruption of Merapi. “In Cangkringan, the areas directly affected by the cold lava are about 25 sub-villages. For the recovery, attention is needed from everyone. We could not rely on the government only because they have limitations,” said the MM graduate.
Samsul admitted that the restoration of environmental conditions in the Cangkringan region is very urgent because this area is a source of water catchment areas in Yogyakarta. “Therefore, Cangkringan needs reforestation soon,” he said
Bejo Mulyo expects the aid provided is not limited to tree seedlings, but also other activities, such as help the process of rehabilitation and reconstruction after the Merapi disaster emergency response phase. “The communication is not limited to this point. Hopefully, this is the beginning of the next activity in the future that is able to provide solutions to current conditions,” he expressed his hope.
Source: Marwati/UGM