Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM FEB) held a Student Parent Information and Communication Forums (FOKOMA) for parents of new students accepted in Undergraduate Program FEB UGM in the academic year 2010/2011.
Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Universitas Gadjah Mada, in its attempt to achieve its vision and mission, continuously try to develop its international network.
The number of UGM Professors continues to grow although some of them have been retired.
Center for Good Corporate Governance FEB UGM in cooperation with the Department of Accounting and Master of Accounting FEB UGM on July 22 until July 23, 2010 has successfully held a Book Review on “REFORMASI AKUNTANSI Membongkar Bounded Rationality Pengembangan Akuntansi” and Workshop on “Metoda Inovatif Pembelajaran Akuntansi Keuangan Pengantar.” This book, a work of Sony Warsono, MAFIS., Akt., Ph.D is trying to raise and examine the current accounting system of learning that is considered to emphasis on debit and credit mechanisms of classes which makes students , especially entry-level students, find difficulty in understanding the essence of the basic accounting knowledge itself.
Following the successful DREaM event in 2009, UGM, again, will hold the International Students Summer Program entitled DREaM 2010.
Wednesday 06/30, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) establish cooperation with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) for providing the information resources associated with development and community empowerment in Asia.
Asian financial crisis is begun in 1997 in Thailand and it quickly spread to its surrounding countries.
FEB UGM strengthens its Asian network by signing an Memorandum of Understanding with Sung Kyun Kwan University (SKKU) Korea.
FEB UGM received the visit of Avans University, The Netherlands on November 19, 2009.