In July 2021, FEB UGM organized an annual summer program through I-Week that provided various benefits, such as lectures and discussions facilitated by internationally recognized competent figures.
Life after graduation can be said to be scary for some students. These feelings arise due to student anxiety because there may be a lack of a desired career plan.
The banking industry is an essential industry and has an important role in the national economy to drive the economy and maintain financial stability. The Covid-19 pandemic has caused digitalization to develop rapidly.
The development of digital technology today is increasingly real. The presence of digital technology provides convenience for humans to complete their daily tasks. The economic sector itself has launched many digital technology products that provide […].
On Thursday (27/1) the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) held an online Orientation Day to welcome incoming foreign students from undergraduate and postgraduate programs who will take part in the […].