The ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) that was put into force by the end of 2015 has posed a challenge to society and industry players in Indonesia.
Indonesian economy in the 3rd quarter of 2015 grew 4.73% compared to the figure of the same quarter in the previous year, and grew 3.21% against the previous quarter.
One of faculty members of Engineering Faculty UGM, Dr. Budi Hartono, and Faculty of Economics and Business, Dr. Nurul Indarti, earned honorable mention awards on IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management 2015 […].
Dissemination on How the Fuel New Policy Regime Influence Inflation and Business Persons Rationality
The event titled Dissemination on How the New policy Regime Influence Inflation and Business Persons Rationality (2/12/2015) presented Rimawan Pradiptyo, Akhmad Akbar, Abraham Wirotomo, Yudhistira Permana, and Alvin Adisasmita as researchers and Berly Mertawardaya as […].
International recognition is, again, achieved by faculty member of UGM, Singgih Wijayana Ph.D, lecturer of Faculty of Economics and Business. Singgih earned Quality Paper Award in a conference held by National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) […].