The Unit of Research and Development for Societal Impact (RDSI) was formed from the merger of units in the Faculty of Economics and Business UGM consisting of Economic Research and Development (PPE), Management Research and Development (PPM), Accounting Research and Development (PPA), Language Training Center (PPB), Business and Economic Data Center (PDBE), Center for Good Corporate Governance (CGCG), and Islamic Economics and Business Laboratory (LEBI).
The Unit of Research and Development for Societal Impact of FEB UGM has a high commitment in organizing excellent training and research for the development of knowledge in the fields of economics and business as well as organizing activities related to community services. Achieving the commitment requires all elements of the Research and Development for Societal Impact Unit of FEB UGM to work professionally and be able to immediately respond to various needs and problems in economics and business, scientific developments, the public and private sectors, and society. The Research and Development for Societal Impact Unit of FEB UGM as an institution under FEB UGM is also a means to support FEB UGM as a research faculty and support UGM to become a world-class research university.
Contact & Address:
Unit of Research and Development for Societal Impact (RDSI)
Faculty of Economics and Business UGM
Pertamina Tower, 2nd floor
Jln. Sosio Humaniora No.1 Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta 55281
Phone: (0274) 548510 ext. 213/210. 580765 / 580731
Fax: (0274) 520765 / 580231 / 580762
Mobile: 0812 270 40000