National Economics Event (NETs) is the annual national event that celebrated by economics student of Universitas Jendral Soedirman (UNSOED). National paper competition for undergraduate student is part of event in the NETs. The general theme for this year is “Strategic and Innovation in Digital Economic development for Boosting Indonesia Economy,” with subtheme: economy and business, social and cultural, law, technology, and farming.
There are three stages in the paper selection. First, all of the contestants must submit abstract which 155 of them were then chosen. The 155 selected teams were required to send their full paper and the judges will select the best 8. Those team were invited to deliver presentation in UNSOED to choose the best three, on September 17-20, 2017. The eight teams are the team from Universitas Gadjah Mada (1 team), Universitas Indonesia (1 team), Institut Pertanian Bogor (2 teams), Universitas Diponegoro (1 team), Universitas Brawijaya (1 team), Universitas Sebelas Maret (1 team), and Universitas Negeri Padang (1 team). The board of judges were lecturers of economics from UNSOED and representatif of the Regional Planning Agency of Banyumas District.
FEB UGM Team whose represented by Laurencius Wachyu Christanto (Economics Department 2015), Reza Fernandes (Economics Department 2015), and Ratih Kusumawarda (Economics Department 2015) crowned the second winner. The idea that they bring was Financial Technology for Tourism Sector in Yogyakarta with the title of their paper “JOIST PAY: Transformasi Sistem Pembayaran Objek Wisata di Yogyakarta”.
Source: Ratih/FEB