Curriculum for Accounting IUP 2022

Curriculum for International Undergraduate Program (IUP) – Program Study of Accounting

Based on Curriculum: Year of 2022 | Year of 2018

Semester 1
Code Courses Credits Compulsory Credits Elective Credits Type Prerequisite
AKU1601 Introducing to Accounting 3 3 C
AKU1601a Tutorial for Introducing to Accounting 0 0 C
AKU2402 System and Information Technology 3 3 C
EBAK222101 Introduction to Behavioral Science 3 3 C
EBIE222101 Introduction to Economics I 3 3 C
EBIE222102 Mathematics 3 3 C
EBAK222102 Introduction to Business and Management 3 3 C
UNU1100 Pancasila 2 2 C
Subtotal Semester 1 20 20
Semester 2
AKU2101 Intermediate Accounting I 3 3 C Introduction to Accounting
AKU2203 Cost and Management Accounting 3 3 C Introduction to Accounting
AKU4408 Digital Business 3 3 C System and Information Technology
EBAK222201 R Programming 3 3 C
EBIE222201 Introduction to Economics II 3 3 C Introduction to Economics I
EBMN212209 Business Communication and Negotiation 3 3 C Introduction to Business and Management
UNU3000 Civics 2 2 C
Subtotal Semester 2 20 20
Semester 3
AKU2102 Intermediate Accounting II 3 3 C Intermediate Accounting I
AKU2403 Accounting Information System 3 3 C System and Information Technology
AKU3502 Public Sector Accounting 3 3 C Intermediate Accounting I
AKU3501 Taxation 3 3 C Intermediate Accounting I
EBAK222103 Indonesian Language and Culture 2 2 C
UNU1000 Religion – Islam I 2 2 C
UNU1001 Religion – Catholic I C
UNU1002 Religion – Christian I C
UNU1003 Religion – Hindhuism I C
UNU1004 Religion – Buddhism I C
UNU1005 Religion – Konghucu I C
EBIE222104 Statistic I 3 3 C
EBMN212216 Financial Management 3 3 C Introduction to Business and Management
Elective Course 1 2 2
Subtotal Semester 3 24 22 2
Semester 4
AKU3105 Advanced Accounting 3 3 C Intermediate Accounting II
AKU3603 Special Topics in Accounting 3 3 C Intermediate Accounting II
AKU4613 Auditing 3 3 C Intermediate Accounting II; Accounting Information System
AKU4507 Governmental Accounting 3 3 C Public Sector Accounting
AKU3610 Business and Profession Ethics 3 3 C Intermediate Accounting I
AKU4407 Entreprise Resource Planning 3 3 C Accounting Information System
AKU3404 System Analysis and Design 3 3 C Accounting Information System
Elective Course 2 3 3 E
Subtotal Semester 4 24 21 3
Semester 5
AKU3304 Information System Auditing 3 3 C Auditing; Accounting Information System
AKU3604 Research Methodology in Accounting 3 3 C Statistic I and SKS>=86
AKU4409 Data Analytics 3 3 C Auditing; Accounting Information System
Elective Course 3 3 E fulfilled by taking part in the MBKM Program or other mobility program with the approval from the study program, and Cross-Discipline Courses (MKLD)
Elective Course 4 3 E
Elective Course 5 3 E
Elective Course 6 3 E
Elective Course 7 3 E
Subtotal Semester 5 24 9 15
Semester 6
Elective Course 8 3 3 E fulfilled by taking part in the MBKM Program or other mobility program with the approval from the study program, and Cross-Discipline Courses (MKLD)
Elective Course 9 3 3 E
Elective Course 10 3 3 E
Elective Course 11 3 3 E
Elective Course 12 3 3 E
Elective Course 13 3 3 E
Elective Course 14 3 3 E
Elective Course 15 3 3 E
Subtotal Semester 6 24   24
Semester 7
AKU4611 Thesis 6 6 C (Religion-Islam I >=C or Religion-Catholic I >=C or Religion-Christian I >=C or Religion-Hindhuism I >=C or Religion-Buddhism I >=C or Religion-Konghucu I >=C) and Pancasila >=C and Civics >=C and SKS>=132; IPK>=2.00; Research Methodology in Accounting >=C
UNU222001 Student Service Learning 4 4 C SKS>=96 and IPK>=2.00
UNU222004 Knowledgement Management Application 2 2 C SKS>=96 and IPK>=2.00
UNU222002 Community Communication 2 2 C SKS>=96 and IPK>=2.00
UNU242033 Health Literacy 2 2 C SKS>=96 and IPK>=2.00
Subtotal Semester 7 16 16
Total Credits for Compulsory Courses 108
Total Credits for Elective Courses 44
Total Credits Semester 1-7 152


  1. The minimum grade to graduate for all courses is C
  2. The minimum credit to graduate is 152 SKS
  3. The study plan package is only for the first semester (20 credits), for the 2nd semester and subsequent semesters students need to carry out independent study planning.
  4. There is an adjustment to the number of KKN credits to 4 credits accompanied by 6 credits for the additional compulsory courses stated in the table above. Hence, KKN weighs 10 credits consisting of 4 courses. This regulation applies for students from batch 2022 and onwards.
  5. The maximum credit for 2nd semester is 20 credits.

List of Elective Courses


No Code Courses Credits Semester Prerequisite
1 AKU3106 Financial Statement Analysis 3 4 or 5
2 AKU3203 Management Control System 3 4 or 5
3 AKU3204 Strategic Management Accounting 3 4 or 5
4 AKU3303 Internal Auditing 3 4 or 5 Auditing
5 AKU3305 Forensic Accounting and Fraud Investigation 3 4 or 5
6 AKU3306 Audit and Governance of Islamic Financial Institutions 3 4 or 5
7 AKU4105 Accounting Theory 3 4 or 5
8 AKU4405 Database Management System 3 4 or 5
9 AKU4406 Decision Support System 3 4 or 5
10 AKU4503 Accounting and Financial Accountability 3 4 or 5
11 AKU4504 Tax Planning 3 4 or 5
12 AKU4505 International Taxation 3 4 or 5
13 AKU4506 Public Financial Management 3 4 or 5
14 AKU4612 Portfolio and Investment Analysis 3 4 or 5
15 AKU4614 Sharia Accounting 3 4 or 5
16 AKU4615 Corporate Governance 3 4 or 5
17 EBAK222001 Advanced Data Analitics 3 4 or 5
18 EBAK222002 Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) 3 4 or 5
19 EBAK222003 Excel Advanced 3 4 or 5
20 EBIE222202 Mathematics 2 3 4 or 5
21 EBKM212020 Program Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka 20 4 or 5
22 EBMN212210 Management 3 4 or 5
23 EBMN212211 Marketing 3 4 or 5
24 EBMN212212 Organizational Behavior 3 4 or 5
25 EBMN212226 Strategic Management 3 4 or 5
26 EBMN212228 Business Modeling X 3 4 or 5
27 EBMN212229 Business Planning 3 4 or 5
28 EBMN213117 Operations and Innovation Management 3 4 or 5
29 EKO2112 Econometrics I 3 4 or 5 AKU3301>=C
30 EKO2401 Monetary Economics I 3 4 or 5 AKU3502>=C
31 EKO2601 Development Economics I 3 4 or 5 AKU3501>=C
32 EKO3104 Indonesian Economy 3 4 or 5 EBIE222102>=C, EBIE222101
33 EKO3112 Islamic Economics 3 4 or 5 EBAK222102>=C
34 EKO4401 Banks and Financial Institutions 3 4 or 5 SKS>=95
35 EKO4404 Islamic Financial Systems and Institutions 3 4 or 5 EBIE222201>=C
36 EBAK222004 Sustainability Accounting 3 4 or 5 AKU2102>=C


  1. For elective courses, students are advised to take 3 elective courses with the code AKU or EBAK22XXXX.
  2. Elective courses can be taken outside the study program.
  3. The minimum grade to pass the course is C.
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