The team of undergraduate students from the Faculty of Economics and Business UGM consisting of Graini Annisa (Accounting 2016) and Maura Finessa Winayo (Accounting 2016) won First Winner in the Accounting Paper Competition (APC) Diponegoro Accounting’s Harmony (DASH) that was held on 28-29 September 2018 at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Diponegoro (FEB UNDIP).
DASH is an annual event organized by Himpunan Mahasiswa Departemen Akuntansi (HMDA) FEB UNDIP. Every year, DASH always raises the latest issues in accounting as its big theme. This year, the main theme of DASH was “Accountant’s Competence in Utilizing The Era of Digital Based Economy” as digital economy is growing rapidly in Indonesia. This main theme then became the topic on one of DASH event, Accounting Paper Competition (APC).
APC DASH consists of four phases: abstract submission, paper submission, paper presentation, and case study. On the paper submission stage, all participants must submit a paper based on this year’s theme. The top ten then got invited to FEB UNDIP to present the papers they have made in front of the jury. Afterwards, the best five were challenged to solve a case and present the result to the jury and other participants. Each presentation was consisted of 10 minutes of paper presentation and 10 minutes of QnA session.
Besides Accounting Paper Competition, Diponegoro Accounting’s Harmony also has a series of other events such as Diponegoro Accounting Competition (DAC), field trip, and awarding night. The winners of APC and DAC were announced on awarding night. The paper written by FEB UGM team entitled “Maximization of Wider Corporate Reporting to Improve the Accuracy of Digital Startup Valuation in Financial Report” got the first place on APC.
Source: Graini Annisa