National Economic Issues Debating Competition or DIEN is a national event which is held annually by UKMF of Research Kristal, Faculty of Economics, Yogyakarta State University (UNY). DIEN is a forum for students to submit arguments from two sides, the pros or cons, of the latest economic issues. This competition uses the Asian Parliamentary System. The Asian Parliamentary System (APS) system is a system adopted from the debate competition system between Asia Pacific universities. The event was held on October 13, 2018 and was attended by 8 best teams of representatives from universities throughout Indonesia, such as Gadjah Mada University, University of North Sumatra, Lambung Mangkurat University, and many more. This competition consists of three stages of preliminary rounds (8 teams), semifinals (4 teams), and the final round (2 teams).
Team of UGM 1; Sisilia Juliana Hanamaria (Economics-IUP 2016), Jesita Wida Ajani (Economics-IUP 2016), and Varrel Vendira (Urban and Regional Planning, 2016) managed to reach the final round with a team from UGM 2. With a motion “This house believes that the polemic of trade minister’s policy about importing rice will not harm farmers and will accelerate the economic equity.” UGM Team 1 acted as an affirmative team. Many preparations are made by the UGM Team 1 before being able to qualify for the final. First, they had to send the scientific essay. Then, from dozens of teams who sent it, only 8 teams with the best writing will come to UNY to debate. In the end, UGM 1 team succeeded in becoming the first winner in this competition.
Sumber: Sisilia Juliana Hanamaria