Supercamp of the Most Outstanding Student Selection (PILMAPRES) UGM 2019 was finished on Saturday-Sunday, 9-10 March 2019. Located at the Atria Hotel, Magelang, this activity was attended by 35 students from various faculties. Based on the evaluation and verification process by 13 juries, 2 Outstandig Student (MAPRES) have been established which will be UGM representatives for the national level. The two MAPRES are Hibatul Ghazi Zulhasmi (Electrical Engineering 2016) as 1st MAPRES from Undergraduate Program and Tirta Meyrizka Lubis (Instrumentation Technology-SV 2016) as MAPRES from Diploma Program.
Meanwhile, the title of 2nd MAPRES and 3rd MAPRES have won by Jesita Wida Anjani (Economics-IUP 2016) and Annisa Fajriani (Medicine 2017). To win the title, they have to pass through 3 stage of selection, namely scientific paper selection, performance portfolio, and English skills. The three stage of selection are in line with those carried out on the national level including the weighting.
At the closing of the event, Head of Subdirectorate of Student Creativity, Suherman, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D. expect MAPRES selected to have a strong commitment to undergo the preparation process ahead of the national level. “The selected ones does not mean perfection, there are many jury notes that must be considered in the training which will be optimized for about 1 month,” Suherman said.
Source: Kreativitas/UGM