The Mentai Team, consists of three student from the International Undergraduate Program of Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) won second place in Business Management Competition (BMC) held at Universitas Kristen Petra, Surabaya. The competition was held from May 13th-15th 2019. The team is consisted of Alexander (Management-IUP 2018), Chintya Deviani Rahardjo (Management-IUP 2018), and Hanna Wida Kiana (Accounting-IUP 2018).
Business Management Competition is an annual event held by Petra Management Student Association (HIMAMATRA) Universitas Kristen Petra. The participants are 15 chosen undergraduates students from Indonesia’s universities. This competition consists of two main activities, which are environment analysis of the village (Desa Duyung, Mojokerto) and the presentation of the business plan. The main purpose for this competition is to find the best idea that can be implemented in Desa Duyung.
The competition consists of 2 stages, Preliminary Round (to choose the top 15 teams), and the final round (15 teams). In the final round, teams present their ideas of the business that can be implemented in Desa Duyung and make Desa Duyung an independent, strong, and powerful village. Our team idea was very simple. We made a crisps and candied from the ingredient of durian. We chose durian because it was the village’s most prominent ingredient. We did not expect to win since our idea was very simple compared to other teams ideas. However, we won this competition because our idea was very simple yet complete, clear, and can be easily implemented to the Desa Duyung. The invited judges are lecturer from Petra University, Widya Mandala University, and a prominent business man.
The third winner is also student team from Universitas Gadjah Mada, and the first winner came student team from Universitas Airlangga.
Source: Chintya Deviani Rahardjo