Gita Prasulistiyono Putra (Management-IUP 2014) and Kairania Qalbi (Psychology-IUP 2017) who joined the Humanities team won the 1st place in the user experience design competition (UI/UX Design) at Technology Euphoria 2019, was held at Sriwijaya Ogan Ilir University and Palembang on October 16-19, 2019
Technology Euphoria (Techphoria) is an annual event held by the University of Sriwijaya to improve public awareness about the role of Information and Technology (IT) in life, as well as increasing the capacity and capability of Indonesian students in the IT field. In this year take a theme “Building Collaborative, Competitive, and Innovative Indonesian Civilizations through Creative Digital Industries”. Participants in the competition were challenged to present their user experience design work which was created for review by a jury (panel of experts and academics).
The Humanities team conducted research on the use of digital products to enhance user experience in searching and consuming cultural-based tourism and education services. Different from other teams that focus on digital product design and technological sophistication, the Humanities Team applies social theories, such as Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs, analysis of service quality gaps, and combines them with a technological research framework, for example UTAUT (Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology). For their originality and depth of research, the jury named the Humanities Team as the First Champion in User Experience Design (UX).
The success of the Humanities Team in winning the user experience design competition also reminds us of the importance of scientific collaboration in dealing with Industry 4.0. Indonesian students from various scientific backgrounds must be able to collaborate and express their knowledge and contribute to the progress of Indonesia in the Industrial Revolution era 4.0.
Source: Leila Chanifah/Sony B