Master of Science and Doctoral Program FEB UGM conducting a seminar with the topic of “Trade Investment in East Asia: Lessons for Indonesia.”
- Fredrik Sjoholm
- Prof.
CampusFrance Indonesia and Indonesian Institute of France (LIP) Yogyakarta in cooperation with the International Office of Faculty of Economics and Business UGM will held a presentation: Studies in France.
Human resource development in companies is an quite important issue. In addition to the brand, human resources are one major factor in business development.
About Corporate Governance Short Course
Corporate Governance Short Course is a flagship program of the Center for Good Corporate Governance (CGCG) UGM is intended to provide a basic training on the rating of corporate governance (CG) on a public company (PT) using CGCG UGM’s Rating Model
- Getting a general understanding of CG
- Have the competence to perform CG
- Able to perform self-assessment on the implementation of CG in a company
- Monday and Wednesday (starting May 2, 2011)
- Six meetings and exams twice, each two-hour meeting
- At 16:00 at FEB UGM
Facilities: Books + Software, Module, Certificate, Class AC, Professional Lecturer
Registration fee: UGM Student IDR.
Professional Accounting Program (PPAK) Faculty of Economics and Business UGM will organize the seminar with the topic “Fraud Audit di Dunia Perbankan,” and will presented by Ari Jatmiko (Fraud Auditor PT Bank BNI, Tbk).
The seminar will be held on:
- Day, date : Saturday, April 16, 2011
- Time : 09:00 am – finish
- Venue : Audiovisual Room FEB UGM
- Seminar kit
- Snack
- Certificate
- FEB UGM Students IDR 15.000,- and Public IDR.
Office of Student Affairs FEB UGM will held a Guest Lecture with topic “How to Develop Talent” that will be presented by Mr Joseph Bataona (HR Director Unilever Indonesia).
Guest lecture will held on:
Day,date : Thursday, March 31th, 2011
Time : 08:00 am to 09:30 pm
Venue : AudioVisual Room FEB UGM
For further information and registration please come to : Office of Student Affairs FEB UGM, third floor east wing, cp: Wheni/Yoga.
FEB UGM congratulated to Propetique which have partipated in Nielsen Challenge 2011 and successfully won 2nd place in the event.
About GMAD
Gadjah Mada Accounting Days (GMAD) is the biggest accounting event created by the association of Accounting in Faculty of Economics & Business with a series of National Seminar, National Accounting Olympiad, and International Accounting Paper Awards.
Economics Students Association (HIMIESPA) FEB UGM will hold a seminar on the topic: “Waning Role of Koperasi in the Indonesian Economy, Knowing Moh Hatta Closer.“ In the seminar, speakers will present Mr. Amir Setya Hardi, SE., Cand. Oecon (Lecturer FEB UGM) and the moderator Riski Raisa Putra.
The seminar will be held at:
Day, date: Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Time: 16:00 pm – Finish
Venue: Audiovisual Room FEB UGM
Information and registration please contact Rausan 087838318312 and Arif 085 649 977 018.