Laboratory of Islamic Business and Economics FEB UGM in collaboration with Bank Tabungan Negara (BTN) will organize book review titled “Islamic Financial Management”, with following detail:
Day, Date : Saturday, March 7, 2009
Time : 08.00-11.30 WIB
Venue : FEB Audio and Visual Room.
- Dr.
The Deutch Government through Netherlands Education Support Office (NESO) Indonesia offers StuNed (Studeren in Netherlands) scholarship and NFP (Netherlands Fellowship Programme) for academic year 2009.
Further information see at or contact scholarship officer through (021) 52902172.
The Official of International Affairs UGM in collaboration with Educational Consultans India Limited is inviting lecturers, members, undergraduate student and graduate student to join Study in India Presentation, with the following detail:
Day, Date : Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Time : 13.00 pm – 16.00 pm.
Venue : University Club (UC) UGM
Register yourself at The Official of International Affairs UGM through (0274) 563974 before March 3, 2009.
Master of Economics of Development FEB UGM offers doctoral program scholarship for FEB UGM lecturers in the field of “property Value” in University Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Malaysia.
For further information please contact Office of Master of Economics of Development FEB UGM (0274) 555917/8
FEB has the honour of visit from Prof. Guy Fournier, a lecturer at Pforzheim University, Germany.
Kalingga won the Country Final of Business Game Competition “Trust by Danone” held at Hyatt Regeny Yogya on Feb 12-13, 2009.
JASSO will give two scholarship programs:
- Short Trem Study Program for academic year 2009/2010 at Chuo University Japan for undergraduate student.
- Exchange Program at Nagoya University Japan for undergraduate student and graduate student.
Term and condition or further information please contact to:
Office of International Affairs
Universitas Gadjah Mada
Central Building, South Wing, 2nd Floor, Bulaksumur,
Yogyakarta 55281
Phone : +62-274-563974
Fax : +62-274-552810
E-mail :
The Prosper.Net-Scopus Young Scientist Award in Sustainable Development is given annually to a young scientist or researcher, based in the Asia Pacific region, who has made significant contributions in the field of Sustainable Development.
For 2008/09 awards will be given in each of three areas: Business, Engineering and Technology, and Agriculture and Natural Resources.
Career Days will be held on Feb 26-28, start on 08.30 PM to 16.30 AM at Grha Sabha Pramana UGM.
The Office of Global Relations and Mobility Unit (GREAT), formerly known as the Office of International Affairs (OIA) of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM), aims to provide international services for students and faculty members, as well as support the learning process and support the faculty’s mission.
Unit of Global Relation and Mobility (GREAT) – Faculty of Economics and Business UGM
Economics and Business Building, West Wing, 1st floor