Asia-Europe Institute University of Malaya would like to invite UGM student for the International Master in ASEAN Studies (IMAS) programe, as well as to any of the order three programs namely the International Master in Regional Integration (IMRI), International Master in Information Management (IMIM), and International Master in Small and Medium Enterprises (IMSMEs) at the AEI-UM for the coming 2009/2010 academic session.
The closing date of application will be May 31, 2009.
Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking Call For Papers, with topic “Global Financial Crisis: Challenges and Policy Responses”.
The subs themes are, (but not limited to):
Causes and consequences of global financial crisis
- The global financial crisis and its impact on the world economy.
- The global financial crisis and its impact on Asian economy.
- The global financial crisis and its impact on Indonesia economy.
Optimal policy responses on minimizing the global financial crisis impact
- Monetary Policy Responses.
- Banking Policy Responses.
- Fiscal Policy Response.
Lesson learned from global financial crisis
- The economic system, the financial liberalization and the financial crisis prevention.
- The reqional monetary policy coordination possibilities
- The regional fiscal policy coordination possibilities.
- Breaking the cycle of the global financial crisis.
- Rethingking the new international financial system.
Important Date
- Abstract Submission : May 26, 2009
- Full paper Submission : June 26, 2009
- Result Notification : July 15, 2009
- Presentation file (ppt) : July 31, 2009
- Participation confirmation (non presenter) : August 1, 2009
- The Workshop : 2nd week August, 2009
Further information please contact to:
Wiwiek isbandrio (
Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking
ASEAN University Network (AUN) Educational Forum and Young Speaker Contest will be held on June 17 – 24, 2009 at Universitas Indonesia.
Open for student and lecturer of Faculty of Economics and Business UGM please send document bellow:
- Admission form for Educational Forum or Speaker Contest (choose one).
There will be Presentation from ESCEM University, France on:
Day/Date : Thursday, April 23, 2009
Time : 13.00 – 15.00 PM
Venue : FEB Audio Visual Room
Please register yourself before March 10, 2009 at IUP office 3rd floor east wing building FEB UGM.
The Harvard Project for Asian and International Relation (HPAIR) Academic Conference 2009 will be held on:
Dates : August 14 – 17, 2009
Venues : Shilla Seoul and Sungkyunkwan University
Location : Seoul, Republic of Korea
Further information please see at
UGM team ‘Kalingga’ won the World Champion 2009, in the Business Game Competition “Trust by Danone”, held in Paris, French, 2 – 4 April, 2009.
Finance Club MM UGM will organize Investment Instrument Review, in the following detail:
Day, date : Friday, April 3, 2009
Time : 13.30 – 16.00 PM
Venue : Faculty Meeting room 1st floor, MM UGM
Speakers :
Magister Manajemen (MM) UGM Marketing Club will organize a talkshow with the topic “How To Build Marketing Competitive Strategy and Survive in Indonesian Market in 2009”.
Master of Science & Doctoral Program FEB UGM will organize Paper Colloquium titled “The Impact Of External Knowledge On Innovation In Indonesia Software Firms”, with the following detail:
Day, Date : Friday, March 20, 2009
Time : 09.30-11.30
Venue : Auditorium BRI Magister Sains & Doktor FEB UGM
Speaker : Nurul Indarti, S.E., Sivilekonom (Ph.d.
Economics Department of FEB UGM will organize Economics Group Discussion with topic “Recovery after Gempa Jogja (case study UMKM Bantul)”, in the following detail:
Day, date : Friday, March 13, 2009
Time : 09.30 – 11.30 WIB
Venue : Audio Visual Room, FEB UGM
Speaker : Dr. Catur Sugiyanto, MA.