Undergraduate Students of Universitas Gadjah Mada, named: Vania Rahmafasti (Accounting 2016) and Krisna Attayendra (Computer Science 2015) won 3rd place in Business IT Case Competition House of Technology (Hology) 2018 on 17th-19th November 2018 at the […].
The undergraduate student team of the Faculty of Economics and Business UGM consisted of Reza Fernandes (Economics 2015), Irawati Eviana (Economics 2015), and Ratih Kusumawarda (Economics 2015) won second place in the National Student Scientific Writing […].
The Smart Accounting Competition (SAC) 2018 is an Accounting Competition held by the Accounting Education Student Association of the Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. This year’s theme of the Smart Accounting Competition was “Accounting […].
The student team of Faculty of Economics and Business UGM, joined in the team named Dreamliner won second winner in the Padjajaran International Business Case Competition (PBCC) PARADIGM 2018 which held at Universitas Padjadjaran on 12-14 […].
A team of undergraduate student from Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) joined in Grahita Sembrani team, namely Samuel T. M.