Master of Management program (MM) of UGM became the 61st place for the extension of Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) Corner.
Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) held International Academic Exposure, in Bangkok, Thailand for 5 days, start from January 24th, 2011.
First visit conducted by representative from the University of Adelaide on January 6, 2011.
Prof. Dr.rer.soc. R. Agus Sartono, MBA, who is currently the Deputy Head of Education and Religious Affairs, office of Coordinating Minister for People’s Welfare, Friday (28/1), was inaugurated as a new professor.
As the success of the process of education, research and community service, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada seeks to provide the best facilities for students, lecturers, researchers and participants.
The lack of understanding is due to limited knowledge of accounting terms.
Economics and Business Research and Training (P2EB) of UGM Faculty of Economics and Business with BPD Sharia of Yogyakarta launched Economic Empowerment program for Merapi Disaster Survivors.
Decision making is a process that combines rational and judgmental approach of which the process cannot be formulated completely.In the process, decision makers will always face the risk that influences the judgment process.
The failure of decentralization and regional autonomy have been attributed to the uncertainty of the rules of the game.