The presence of the Unilever Team in Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada, Wednesday, March 12th, 2014 had been greeted by the students anthuthiastically. The row of red chairs in Djarum Hall Pertamina Tower on the six’th
floor were filled by the students, even many students willingly sat in the floor between the chairs in order to follow the agenda. The agenda was started at 10.00 a.m. o’clock with a quiz to make the agenda to be more merry. With that quiz, the attendance was asked to guess the products of Unilever that have been advertised on television. All of the questions were answered correctly by the attendance. All of the products produced by Unilever that has been operating in Indonesia more than 78 years are familiar in Indonesia.
Next year, Indonesia will enter ASEAN Economic Community (AEC). On the AEC, work competition will be more tight. Firms in Indonesia will not be able to close themselves from the workers from other countries. Indonesian workers have to be able to compete with the workers from other ASEAN countries if they don’t want to be marginalized. With the theme Leadership in Global Workplace, the Unilever offer the students to join with the Unilever Future Leaders Program (UFLP) and Unilever Leadership Internship Program (ULIP). The programs offered to all of Indonesian students were inisiated to prepare Indonesian students to cope up with free competition at ASEAN level in 2015.
UFLP is a fast-track program for the students who want to make a carrier smoothly. Through this program, managerial position will be reached in about three years. This program was designed for the students who will finish their study this year and the professionals with less than two years experience. This program also offer internationally rotation. In the meantime, ULIP is an apprentice program for about two-three mounths. In this program, participant will cope with real chalenges, and will get an experience to work with big firms officials. This program is at least for the third year students. Careers offered by this program are marketing, customer development, supply chain, financial management, and human resources. Admission, for both UFLP and ULIP, starts at March 1st and will be finished at March 31.
Source: Arlina/FEB
Recorded video is available on : Public Lecture Inspiring Unileader by Unilever