Founder of PT Jakarta Setiabudi Internasional who is also member of Presidential Advisory Board, Jan Darmadi, said while doing business businessmen ought not to victimise other people.
Corruption has been determined as an extraordinary crime, even abusing norms and rules stipulated by the state. Despite prevention and firm measures against it, corruption practices are still rampant today.
Last Saturday (14/10), alumni of FEB UGM year ’89 held a workshop as well as training session leading a theme “Confidence in Entering Working Environment: Strategies in Arranging Attractive CV and Success in Work Interview”.
Around 76 percent of National Revenue and Expenditure Budget is obtained from tax. However, for the past seven years from 2009-2015, the tax revenue never achieves 100 percent from the set target. All this while, […].
Faculty of Economics and Business UGM held Training of Trainers program for the syllabus and teaching development of business sustainability education in business schools. This program is a collaboration between FEB UGM and United Nations […].