The Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada cooperates with PT Taspen (Persero) in developing human resources. Located in the Kertanegara Room FEB UGM, Friday (12/17/2021), the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed by the Dean of FEB UGM, Dr. Didi Achjari, S.E., M.Com., Akt., with the President Director of PT Taspen(Persero), Antonius N.S. Kosasih. This tactical step was implemented as a solution to the challenges of graduates who are ready to work, and part of realizing progress for future generations of Indonesians.
Dr. Didi Achjari gave a speech to open the series of events. Didi revealed that this collaboration provides an open door for internship opportunities and doing research.
“Alhamdulillah, of course we are very happy to be working with PT Taspen. Starting from giving opportunity for internship, especially related to the Kampus Merdeka Program where the students are welcome to take part in internships, this is a good opportunity to know the ins and outs of PT Taspen, not only for students, lecturers can also do research with the signed MoU, thank you PT Taspen “, said Didi.
The President Director of PT Taspen, ANS Kosasih or who is often called Steve, welcomed this collaboration well, and explained that FEB UGM talents need to get the right training arena to be ready for the world of work.
“New graduates need to be ready to use, ready to work, because what we learn on campus sometimes different from what is implemented or experienced. While our (problem) for talent couching is not easy, the challenge is getting bigger because there were a lot of jobs 5-10 years ago we didn’t know they existed, now they do exist”, said Steve.
Steve revealed that PT Taspen always opens up opportunities that in a world that is completely uncertain there are things that can be learned, even though we don’t know what the future will be like.
“In the 2000s the coolest job was a broker on the stock exchange, the salary could be hundreds of millions, until a regulation emerged that stock trading was done online, as a result thousands of people lost their jobs at that time,” said Steve.
“So is Taspen, ASN can be replaced with robots, because robots can’t get sick, complain, and of course don’t need pension funds, then what about that change? we offer,” he added.
For this reason, according to Steve, PT Taspen needs young people who are fresh and think broadly to join and train with PT Taspen, and it is very possible that there will be opportunities to be recruited for work.
The next session was the signing of the MoU on Cooperation between FEB UGM and PT Taspen, represented by the Dean of FEB UGM and the Director of Taspen. The handover of souvenirs between the Dean of FEB UGM for the Director of PT Taspen, and PT Taspen for FEB UGM, in addition there was also a group photo session and continued the presentation of the Leadership in Marketplace webinar by the President Director of PT Taspen (Persero), Mr. Steve Kosasih.
Reportage: Sony Budiarso/Kirana Lalita Pristy