On Tuesday (29/03) the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) made a Cooperation Agreement (PKS) or Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with PT Jasa Raharja. The PKS discussed the internship program and career development aimed toward FEB UGM students. The event was held at Tentrem Hotel Yogyakarta at 10.00 WIB and was attended by the board of directors, including Rubi Handojo as Director of Human Resources and General Affairs, Amos Sampetoding as Director of MR and Information Technology, Munadi Herlambang as Director of Institutional Relations, and other parties.
The event was opened with a speech given by Prof. Dr. Didi Achjari, SE, M.Com., Akt. as the Dean of FEB UGM. With this collaboration, Achjari hopes that FEB UGM students can join in an internship program at PT Jasa Raharja. In addition, it is hoped that they will not only be able to do internships in Yogyakarta, but also in all regions up to the head office. Achjari also emphasized that students can have experience-based learning, which suggest not just studying theory-based knowledge in university, but also having the opportunity to solve problems that exist in the world of work. Finally, it is hoped that this collaboration’s benefits will not be reaped by just students, but also can result in collaborations together with lecturers in terms of research.
Meanwhile, Rubi Handojo as Director of Human Resources and General Affairs of PT Jasa Raharja stated that this collaboration is not only for students, but will be extended to other academic parties. PT Jasa Raharja has 29 branch offices, 69 representative offices, and thousands of Samsat in all regions of Indonesia. Students will be given an internship program opportunity and will work together at the PT Jasa Raharja office with seniors and existing colleagues. Handojo as Director of Human Resources was asked for this company to grow and develop and sustain. Therefore, PT Jasa Rajarja will help prepare talents through existing programs so that they can become leaders in companies, ministries, and leaders of this country. Handojo hopes that this collaboration can provide maximum benefits not only for FEB UGM, but also for the wider community.
The highlight of this event was the signing of a cooperation agreement as proof that an agreement had been reached between FEB UGM and PT Jasa Raharja. The signing of the agreement was carried out by Rubi Handojo as Director of Human Resources and General Affairs of PT Jasa Raharja and Prof. Dr. Didi Achjari, SE, M.Com., Akt. as the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business UGM. The next event was the handing over of souvenirs between FEB UGM and PT Jasa Raharja and ended with a group photo with the board of directors.
Reportage: Merisa Anggraini