Master of Science and Doctoral Study Program (MD), Faculty of Economics and Business UGM, will conduct an Economist Workshop for Indonesian Transparency (SEtiTI) and Discussion on Economics Development.
This event will be held on:
- Day, Date: Friday, 29 November 2019
- Time: 8:00 am to 3.00 pm
- Venue: BRI Auditorium, Master of Science and Doctoral FEB UGM
- Live Stream: http://feb.ugm.ac.id/livestream
- 1st session, topic: Development of Institutional Aspects to Address State Captured Corruption in Various Sectors: Land, Health, Forestry and Natural Resources. Introduction to Institutional Economics.
- Prof. Dr. Laksono Trisnantoro (FK-KMK UGM)
- Prof. Dr. Hariadi Kartodihardjo (F. Kehutanan IPB)
- Prof. Dr. Maria Sumardjono (FH UGM)
- Amri Anjas Asmara, MSc (FEB UGM)
- Gumilang Aryo Sahadewo, Ph.D (Moderator)
- 2nd session, topic: Teaching Anti-Corruption in Higher Education and Potential Research Collaboration in Institutional Economics.
- Prof. Dr. Sonny Priyarsono (FEM – IPB)
- Sujanarko (Dir. PJKAKI – KPK)
- Rimawan Pradiptyo, PhD (FEB UGM)
- Ahmad Akbar Susamto, Ph.D. (Moderator)
- 3rd session, topic: Discussion on the development of the Department of Economics (Undergraduate, Master, and Doctoral study program)
- Prof. Dr. Catur Sugiyanto (FEB UGM)
- Heni Wahyuni, PhD (FEB UGM)
- Dr. Siti Aisyah Tri Rahayu (FEB UNS)
- Dr. Evi Noor Afifah (Moderator)
- Participant: Lecturer, Researcher, and Practitioners
- Filling out the online registration form provided, click here
Download: Poster (JPG), Presentation Material (PDF)
For further information and any inquiries can contact: Admission Office of Master of Science and Doctoral Study Program FEB UGM, Mobile: 08175464545 or 082242866665