Tuesday (13/05) – Toastmasters Yogyakarta held a launching event in Djarum Foundation Hall of FEB UGM. The event that attracted many students was warmly welcomed by the whole faculty members. Toastmasters Yogyakarta, that initiated by Accounting Department of FEB
UGM is the first club in Yogyakarta and around Central Java region.
Toastmasters District Governor, Datin Grace, Incoming District Governor, Sutarno, and also some Distinguished Toastmasters (DTM) from Jakarta, Philippine, and Malaysia were came to the event. The event was started by the swearing-in ceremony of Toastmasters Yogyakarta officers and members; continued by presentations delivered by two senior members of Toastmasters from Malaysia.
Sarjith Singh (Malaysia) talked about the importance of leadership value that is always emphasized by Toastmasters.
“A leader is someone who has ability to lead himself or herself, while also affecting people to move dynamically towards positive direction. A leader creates changes to better environment. It is also important by a leader to dig deeper inside his heart and find the thing that he really wants. For it would lead him to purpose-driven life and he will always know where to move and keep creating good things,” told Sarjith.
“Besides that, endless effort to learn is a spirit that must be held by human. Learning is whole-life process, no matter how old we are,” said Arlan Setiawan in his presentation about “Toastmasters and me”.
Toastmasters itself has branches around the world and its headquarter centered in United States of America. This club’s motto is “Where the Leaders are made”. This international club is a tool for self-development for many people to improve their public speaking skills and leaderships. The club routinely conducts weekly meeting where each member should do some assignments by rolling. This club believes that a leader is not just born but he or she is made as a result of taking initiative and moving dynamically.
Source: Monic/FEB