On Monday, April 29, 2019 began the Short Term Program was titled Millennial Talent Management – in Indonesia carried out on the 6th Floor, Learning Center Building of Faculty of Economics and Business UGM (FEB UGM). This activity was collaboration between Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) and Singapore Management University (SMU) which was first held in 2019. The aim of this short-term program is to prepare young leaders who are ready to contribute at the ASEAN level.
In his speech, Vice Dean of Finance, Asset and Human Resource FEB UGM, Kusdhianto Setiawan, Ph.D. welcome to 40 students which consist of 20 SMU students and 20 UGM students where among of 5 student are UGM students that selected to take part this activity. In his speech, Kusdhianto Setiawan, Ph.D. conveyed that this activity besides providing more benefits to students also getting more strengthen bilateral relations between SMU and UGM especially in this case, FEB UGM and SMU.
In this activity, the participants will getting knowledge about Indonesia-Singapura especially in business aspect and working in cross-cultural team. This program has been implemented in Singapore on March, 4-24, 2019 and in Indonesia will implemented from April, 29 2019 for two weeks.
FEB UGM is active contribution in collaboration with SMU. This program is one of the effort to realize a leader with integrity and insightful to served society. FEB UGM assigned to one of lecturer is Dr. Rangga Almahendra, S.T., M.M. as speaker. Moreover, FEB UGM is also assigned to five students as participants.
In the next session, scheduled student is visit to industry and they are asked to complete a real case. This case is same with FEB UGM mission to develops who care about environment. Lecturer and student are involved cross the faculty in UGM and they are following both programs in Singapore or Indonesia.
Source: Cindy/Humas