Entering the 10th day in Syawal Month, Friday (14/6) the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) held a “halalbihalal” tradition at the Learning Center Building of FEB UGM. Titled “Syawalan 1440 H”, this event was inviting Prof. Dr. Komaruddin Hidayat as a speaker. Also came Eko Suwardi, M.Sc., Ph.D. as a Dean of FEB UGM, Lecturers and Staff of FDB UGM, and representatives from various student organizations. This event starts at 09.00 AM with greeting by Mr. Eko Suwardi who said that the halalbihalal moment was the right tool to strengthen relationship for all of FEB UGM Family.
The event continued with recitation of Kalam Ilahi and Saritilawah by Chresna Anguila and Santi Werdoyo (both of them are staff at FEB UGM). Entering the core event, namely “Hikmah Syawalan” , Komaruddin opened these topic with some description about philosophy of Javaness Wisdom. He said that Javanese is have an ability to preserve the unity of Nusantara because they have an characteristic such as accommodating, flexible and humble better than other ethnic groups. Academically, Komaruddin described UGM is the anchor of Indonesia’s cultural pillars. “Many people after living in Jogja become more refined. “If I retire, I want to go back to Jogja,” said him.
Regarding tradition of halalbihalal, Komaruddin praise how relationship between religion and culture in Indonesia has becoming one with our national character. He said It’s happened because the government as a regulator also facilitated Eid as a momentum to celebrate Muslim’s spiritual victory. In fact, plurality award of democracy in Indonesia is more higher than United States, which is predicted to be the guardian country of human rights.
Komaruddin said Modern society is currently suffered with hedonic treatmill syndrome. Its a condition when salary increases will be in line with increasing in demand personal & family finance to stay in the same position.
He explain there are seven factors in line with religion that can affect human happiness such as having a good family life, job, friends, community, health, financial sufficiency, personal values, and freedom of life. Komaruddin close his statement with explaining human well-being was influenced by physical, intellectual, and spiritual dimensions. Heart, is described as a part of a human body where full of love. Therefore, halalbihalal can be interpreted as a momentum to unite our heart.
At the afternoon, the event has closed by handshake between the academics of FEB UGM to forgive each other, and after that all of attendee continuing with take a lunch.
“In my opinion, an event like this must be maintained, because i think it’s awesome, we can meet each other among fellow academics of FEB UGM, not only lecturers and employees,” said Arief Surya or also called Meykel, one of lecturers FEB UGM who responding the event.
Source: Leila Chanifah/Sony Budiarso