The Executive Board of the Alumni of Economics and Business Faculty Universitas Gadjah Mada (KAFEGAMA) officially inaugurates the Regional caretaker of KAFEGAMA Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY). The inauguration was led by Chairman of KAFEGAMA, Perry Warjiyo on Thursday (02/20/2020) at the Learning Center Building, Faculty of Economics and Business, Gadjah Mada University (FEB UGM).
Alumnus of Accounting Department FEB UGM class of 1983 and also University of Brawijaya Lecturer, Bogat Agus Riyono, was appointed as the general chairman of KAFEGAMA DIY for 2020-2025 service. Bogat in his speech said that KAFEGAMA DIY will align the economic and cultural sectors to improve the economy of the Special Region of Yogyakarta Province.
“KAFEGAMA DIY is ready to work together and contribute to the DIY Province to improve the economy and culture, one of which is through lurik,” Bogat said.
As stated by Bogat during the third KAFEGAMA DIY working meeting some time ago, his party will focus on helping lurik producers in maintaining and developing their businesses.
The program will be implemented through various events including the collaboration with Bank Indonesia DIY Representative Offices and related parties, namely LURIK LIRIK, which is held every Tuesday Wage, and has been held on January 14 and February 18 2020. In closing, Bogat hopes that the increasing number of KAFEGAMA caretakers in the regions will make KAFEGAMA have a good impact on progress in their respective regions.
The following is the composition of the Regional Caretakers of KAFEGAMA DIY.
Advisory Council:
Eko Suwardi
Herry Zudianto
Sapto Amal Damandari
Daily Caretakers:
Chairman: Bogat Agus Riyono (1983)
Deputy Chairman: Rudy Badaruddin (1982)
Secretary 1: Anisa Nurpita (2005)
Secretary 2: Satriyo Dwicahyo (2004)
Treasurer 1: Dhani Dwi Astuti (2004)
Treasurer 2: Ratri Paramita (2004)
Research and Education Development Division
Deputy Chair 1 Sector:
Amirullah Setya Hardi (1994)
Dionisius Desembriarto (1991)
Latri Wihastuti (2003)
Alumni Empowerment and Promotion Division
Deputy Chair 2 Field:
Budi Asmarawati (1985)
Shita Lusi Wardani (1986)
Umma Gumma (2004)
Field of Cooperation
Deputy Chair 3:
Putut Purwandono (2004)
Gunawan Nugroho Utomo (1998)
Endarwati (1994)
Public Relations
Deputy Chair 4 Sectors:
Y. Sri Susilo (1986)
Barkah (1983)
Afnan Harifi (1993)
Source: Sony Budiarso/Leila Chanifah Z.