On Saturday (19/6) the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas GAdjah Mada (FEB UGM) held an Open Senate Meeting 2020, to commemorate the 65th Anniversary of FEB UGM (Lustrum XIII). The 2020 Open Senate Meeting was attended by the Chairman, secretaries and members of the senate, the Dean, the UGM Deputy Chancellor for Finance and Information Systems, representatives of partners namely KAFEGAMA, Bank Indonesia, Bank Mandiri, CIMB Niaga, BRI Syariah, and the Academic Community of FEB UGM. Unlike previous years, this year’s Open Senate Meeting was held online through the Zoom Meetings platform and live broadcast on Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis UGM YouTube channel. Due to conditions that are not conducive due to the still outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic and responding to changes due to the pandemic, this year, the Open Senate Meeting in the framework of Lustrum XIII FEB UGM has the theme “Responding to the Pandemic through increasing Knowledge and Social Concern with Integrity”.
Prof. Dr. Marwan Asri, M.BA as Chair of the Senate of FEB UGM gave an opening remarks to mark the start of the 2020 Open Senate Meeting. “Today, FEB UGM turns 65 years old or lustrum XIII, an age that describes a long journey from the challenges of time to time. It is a long age to make achievements that can be achieved, slowly but surely, all challenges can be answered firmly by the academic community of FEB UGM, “he explained.
After the welcome session was over, Dr. Eko Suwardi, M.Sc., as the Dean of FEB UGM, delivered the Annual Report of FEB UGM. According to him, there are several important points that need to be considered, especially for the FEB UGM Academic Community. Regarding the theme chosen this year, he said that this theme was chosen as a response to the pandemic event caused by the emergence of the Covid-19 virus which had a very significant impact on many aspects of life, including life on campus.
“In line with the vision mission of FEB UGM, the theme of the 65th Anniversary is intended to invite and encourage FEB UGM community and stakeholders to give positive responses to the problems and challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.” According to him, it is necessary to collaborate with the FEB UGM Academic Community to continue to move forward through the implementation of programs aimed at balancing the achievement of academic goals in the form of knowledge challenges and the achievement of social goals in the form of real concern for the problems that occur in society today.
“Many achievements have been achieved by FEB UGM, including excellent accreditation from BAN PT, AACSB from the AACSB International,” said Dr. Eko. In addition, FEB UGM also enlivened the Free Learning Program, where in order to help realize the National Freedom Learning program, from eight aspects of Free Learning, FEB UGM substantially implemented five aspects, namely thesis writing, KKN, exchange, dual degree, and FEB. Excellence (FEB-X).
“In this approach, students are invited to solve real cases in partner organizations with the guidance of a lecturer who teaches courses. Concrete involvement in the European Quality Improvement System (EQUIS) and the Global Business School Network (GBSN) earlier this year also became one of the strategic policies of FEB UGM in being active in the international arena”, said Dr. Eko.
Then in an effort to achieve the next goal, the faculty’s social care is pursued through various initiatives that can actually contribute to the community, for example the implementation of social responsibility activities (FEB SR) and the initiation of Sambatan Jogja (SONJO) by FEB UGM lecturers at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic situation. Application assistance, assisted village programs, basic necessities and pulses were also present as a solution in the midst of Covid-19.
The 2020 Open Senate Meeting was continued with the delivery of a Scientific Speech by the Professor of FEB UGM, Prof. Dr. Mardiasmo M.BA., with the topic of Inclusive Indonesian Economic Development with Accounting as the Engine of Reform. Prof. Mardiasmo said that accounting with accountants as employees is considered a pillar of integrity in the Indonesian economy, so according to him, the accounting profession holds an important pillar for the state of the nation and state. The accountant profession with the skills and knowledge attached to it, as well as upholding ethical values and integrity can be an engine of reform in a country’s economy.
According to him, although accountants work at a micro level, their performance will have a macro impact on the economy. Therefore, accountants are not only limited to Accounting Science, accountants must master several competencies. In addition, accountants also need to use Head and Heart in carrying out their profession.
“Accountants need to work with head and heart, work with mind and heart, take advantage of the latest technology, be adaptable and have the flexibility to ensure the effectiveness of economic growth”. Moreover, the current uncertainty in the world has the potential to put pressure on every country. Indonesia itself, is faced with challenges to fix the problem of poverty and inequality.
Prof. Mardiasmo said that the level of poverty and the level of inequality could be continuously suppressed with various strategies. “One of the strategies that can be taken is by realizing inclusive development, which will produce economic growth as an important condition for realizing prosperity,” he explained.
Prof. Mardiasmo added that there is a need for inclusive development, namely a development model that can directly touch and benefit all communities. To make this happen, according to him, it is necessary to develop a quality economy, namely growth that can be enjoyed by the community so as to realize equity and better economic resilience.
“What needs to be considered is not only what the growth rate is, but who contributes to this growth. Is this growth only produced by a certain number of people or a large part of the community?”, said Mardiasmo. This answer, according to him, will lead to quality economic growth, namely growth that is generated and enjoyed by all people so that justice, equity, better economic resilience will be realized, and accountants will become engines of reform in the Indonesian economy.
Translator: Laras OIA