An atmosphere of joy colored the Auditorium of the Learning Center Building, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) on Thursday (25/08). After taking an average study period of three to four years, as many as 124 FEB UGM students have successfully passed and received a bachelor’s degree in the graduation ceremony for the Period IV Academic Year 2021/2022. For details, the 124 FEB UGM students consist of 47 Accounting students, 40 Economics students, and 36 Management students, of which 87 students got the Cum Laude predicate.
At this period of graduation ceremony, the highest Grade Point Average (GPA) was achieved by Riadi from the Bachelor of Accounting Study Program with a GPA of 3.98 which he finished in a study period of 3 years 9 months 22 days. In his speech, Riadi thanked all the lecturers who had guided him while studying at the university. Riadi also expressed his gratitude because by successfully graduating he had completed one of the mandates from his parents. To fellow graduates, he advised that the next task is to make the Indonesian people proud of the work and contributions that they should give in the future.
Not only remarks from representatives of graduates, there were also remarks from representatives of parents of graduates delivered by Ibnu Agung Mulyanto as parents of Hapsari Athaya Mulyanissa from the Accounting Study Program. Ibnu advised the graduates that if they have aspirations, then they should hold on to them and that failure is a fragment of life. “Right now I’m sure you guys are feeling successful and proud, but in the future you will definitely meet failure. Keep in mind, failure in one door does not close the other door because the door to success is not only one, the key is hard work,” he said.
The next agenda for the event was a speech by the Deputy of KAFEGAMA, Dr. Bogat Agus Riyono, M.Sc., Ak. In his speech he said that the graduates have the right to be happy on that day, but they also have to be ready to start the next day because there will be bigger challenges waiting for them. “Success and always maintain the dignity of FEB UGM and work with high ethics so that the reputation of the alma mater is maintained,” he said at the end of his speech.
Then, the event continued with a speech by the Dean of FEB UGM, namely Prof. Dr. Didi Achjari, M.Com., Ak., CA. As an alumni of UGM, Didi advised never to forget the identity of the university and to remain a UGM citizen who is committed to Indonesia as well as to the people. For example, even though you will work in a multinational company, you must still be able to have strong roots. At the end he advised that this country is waiting for contributions from all graduates.
The next session was the awarding and pinning of KAFEGAMA pins to the youngest graduates, achieved by Zahra Aqila Salsabila (Economics Study Program), the graduates with the fastest study period achieved by Shania Angelina (Management Study Program), and the graduates with the highest GPA from each study program achieved by Riadi (Accounting Study Program), Christian Tangkere (Economics Study Program), and Nicholas Hermanto (Management Study Program). Prayer readings and a group photo session were then held before the official event ended. Once again, we congratulate and hope for a bright future ahead to the graduates of FEB UGM!
Reportase: Kirana Lalita Pristy.