On Wednesday (27/10), FEB UGM visited by Regional Office of Directorate General of Taxation (Kanwil DJP) DIY, led by the Chief of Kanwil DJP DIY Djangkung Sudjarwadi. This visit as a part of celebrating Tax Socialization day on Oct 28, 2010, to obtain feedback from taxpayers about DHP’s service so far. This feedback will be used as a reference for a national tax policy making.
Dean of Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UGM Prof. Dr. Marwan Asri, MBA, on their meeting, supports DJP DIY’s efforts to change taxation service towards taxpayer in order to raise the tax ratio as one of a source of state financing.
One of that effort is changing tax officer image to be more friendly to the taxpayers. Make themselves to become taxpayer’s best friend than enemy, so that can encourage the taxpayer to fulfill their obligation to pay the tax without any hesitation.
Prof. Marwan Asri pointed out, that in America tax officer called the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), more feared than the police. “Over there, people are more afraid if their wanted by the IRS, than if he was wanted by the police,” he said.
In a meeting that lasted for an hour, Djangkung Sudjarwadi stated that DIY is a province that has the highest level of compliance for submitting Annual Tax Announcement Report (SPT). “DIY’s level of compliance for submitting Annual Tax Announcement Report (SPT) is the highest two years in a row nationally” he said.
Sumber: www.ugm.ac.id