It has been more than two years since the Covid-19 pandemic has been happening, now the world community needs to prepare themselves to enter a new phase, which is the post-Covid era.
On Sunday (15/01), the Alumni Family of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (KAFEGAMA) held Fun Walk Food Festival (FWFF) 2023 at the Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) Jakarta.
Business conditions around the world during the Covid-19 pandemic can be said to be very unstable.
On Thursday (29/12), the Economics and Business Alumni Family of Gadjah Mada University (KAFEGAMA) Lampung Province held a seminar with the theme “Seminar on Potential and Development of Eco-Aquaculture in Lampung Province.” This seminar is held online through Zoom Meetings and broadcast live via YouTube channel KAFEGAMA Official.
Monday (19/12), in an open meeting at Grha Sabha Pramana which was the culmination of the 73rd Anniversary of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), the Governor of Bank Indonesia, Perry Warjiyo, S.E., M.Sc., Ph.D., who is also a Chairman of the Alumni Family of the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (KAFEGAMA), received the Award Hamengku Buwono the IX.
Thursday (29/11), the Center for Accounting and Regulatory Studies (PAKAR), Accounting Laboratory, Accounting Department, Faculty of Economics and Business, Gadjah Mada University (FEB UGM) held a Seminar with Experts (SEMAR) with the topic “Business Ethics and the Accountant Profession: Theory, Cases and Research”.
Bank Indonesia held the BI Learning Expo 2022 which presented various educational institutions in Indonesia and abroad, including the Faculty of Economics and Business, Gadjah Mada University (FEB UGM).
The Faculty of Economics and Business UGM (FEB UGM) in collaboration with the Accounting Laboratory, Economics Laboratory, Management Laboratory, and Economics and Business Research and Training (P2EB) held a seminar with the theme “Research Dissemination Day 2022” on Friday (9/12).
In managing digital transformation, the Master of Management Faculty of Economics and Business, Gadjah Mada University (MM FEB UGM) Jakarta Campus, held an Executive Series series, namely public discussions with executives of large companies in Indonesia.
From Monday (21/11) to Friday (25/11), the ASEAN Network for Green Entrepreneurship and Leadership (ANGEL) held a Training of Trainers (ToT) at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Kuala Lumpur.