The Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) has again lost one of its best lecturers. He is Drs. Laurentius Suparwoto, M.Sc. He has passed away on Monday, May 17th 2021 at 18.31 WIB at Panti Nugroho Hospital, Yogyakarta at the age of 65. He left his wife and two children.
Drs. Laurentius Suparwoto, M.Sc. was born in Ambarawa, January 6, 1956. He studied S1 Accounting at UGM, Yogyakarta and graduated in 1981. Furthermore, he received his Masters in Accounting at California State University, USA and graduated in 1993.
He started his career as a lecturer at FEB UGM in 1983. In 2014, he was in charge as the Manager of the Accounting Education Study Program FEB UGM (PPAk FEB UGM). Drs. Laurentius Suparwoto, M.Sc. is entering the peak of his career as a retired lecturer at FEB UGM on March 1, 2021.
He received the UGM 25 Years Loyalty award in 2008, Satyalancana Karya Satya XXX 2009, Satyalancana Karya Satya XX 2011, and finally UGM 35 Years Loyalty award in 2021.
Drs. Laurentius Suparwoto, M.Sc. is a lecturer who is full of enthusiasm, wholeheartedly in imparting knowledge to students, and always motivates his juniors. His contribution to FEB UGM is immeasurable.
All leaders and all academic staffs of FEB UGM are sorry for the death of Drs. Laurentius Suparwoto, M.Sc. May the deeds of worship are accepted by God.
Farewell Drs. Laurentius Suparwoto, M.Sc., your dedication will always be remembered.