Two International Undergraduate Students of Faculty of Economics and Business UGM, Sisilia Juliana Hanamaria (Economics-IUP 2016) and Jesita Wida Ajani (Economics-IUP 2016), won 2nd place in world international competition “16th Economix: Global Economic Challenges”, category of Main Competition. This competition is held annually at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia (FEB UI). This event is held from Sunday (4/11) to Thursday (8/11).
This time, 16th Economix’s theme is “The Future of Work: A Looming Phenomenon,” and it’s consists of 4 activities, namely Seminar, Economix Model United Nations (Economix MUN), Main Competition, and Mini Essay Competition. In this competition, Sisilia and Jesita successfully through the various stages of the competition until finally won the 2nd place for Main Competition and Sisilia won 3rd place in the Mini Essay Competition.
The competition (Main Competition) consists of four stages. First, the participants must submit a paper by picking up one of the three sub themes provided. Then, 12 qualified teams were invited to FEB UI to continue the selection stages of paper presentation, knowledge assessment, and economic speech. After that, from the four stages, the score will be accumulated and the 5 teams with the highest score will advance to the final round. In the final round that was held on Thursday (8/11), 5 qualified teams were given case studies in which participants had to analyze cases raised from major themes, find solutions to solve the case, prepare presentations, search for data, and prepare for presentation within 12 hours.
At the competition this time, 12 teams that managed to qualify came from various different universities such as Universitas Indonesia, Universitas Gadjah Mada, De La Salle University (Philippines), University of Santo Thomas (Philippines), University of Dhaka (Bangladesh), and Bangladesh University of Professionals (Bangladesh).
In the final round, 2nd place is belonged by UGM team. The 1st winner is belonged to UI team and 3rd winner is belonged by De La Salle team. While in the Mini Essay Competition, Sisilia won 3rd place, then 1st place and 2nd place won by students from Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB).
Source: Sisilia Juliana Hanamaria