Community Service Program (Kuliah Kerja Nyata abbreviated as KKN in Bahasa Indonesia) is an intracurricular activity held by placing students in certain areas in Indonesia.
Research Center of Capital Market, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) will conduct National Seminar on the topic “Careers in Capital Markets”.
The National Seminar will be held on:
As one of “the Big Four” accounting firms, Deloitte gives an opportunity for talented students from top universities in Indonesia to become Deloitte Grand Ambassador.
Master of Science and Doctorate Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) in collaboration with Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Muhamadiyah Surakarta (FEB UMS) will held a Seminar on the topic “Improving Publication Journal for Higher Education”.
Seminar will be held on:
- Day: Monday
- Date: April 3, 2017
- Time: 8am to 3:30pm
- Venue: Seminar Room, G Building, FEB UMS
Master of Science and Doctorate Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada will conduct a Workshop on Survey Method.
Workshop will be held on:
- Day: Thursday & Friday
- Date: March 30-31, 2017
Year 2017 marks the 25th anniversary of sharia financial institutions establishment in Indonesia.
Publications Unit of the Faculty of Economics and Business UGM will held a National Workshop: “Publishing Journal Articles and Text Books”.
The workshop will be held on:
- Day: Friday
- Date: April 7, 2017
- Time: 8am to 4pm
- Venue: Audio Visual Room, FEB UGM
Main speakers:
- Prof.
UGM Team, Nur Hayatiningsih (Accounting 2014) and Rayu Agasti (Accounting 2013) had successfully won the 1st Place in Call for International Accounting Week 2017 (IAW 2017) held by Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta.
Salim Fauzanul Ihsani (Economics Department 2013) and Abror Tegar Pradana (Economics Department 2013) had been successfully won the Best Speaker for Academic Paper in the 16th Sharia Economics Days Conference (SECOND 2017) held by Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Indonesia.