Research and Training in Economics and Business (P2EB), Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada in cooperation with the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) will organize a seminar on the topic “Dissemination of Information and Public Perception of Fuel Policy In Indonesia”, (in Bahasa Indonesia: Diseminasi Informasi dan Persepsi Masyarakat Terhadap Kebijakan BBM Di Indonesia), with presenter: Rimawan Pradiptyo, Ph.D.
Student Association Major in Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) will organize Economics Talk with the topic “Global Economics Growth And the Challenge For Indonesia”, (Bahasa Indonesia: Perkembangan Ekonomi Global dan Tantangannya untuk Indonesia). Economics Talks will present the speaker Prof., Dr., Boediono, M.Ec.
Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada in cooperation with Sampoerna will organized a workshop with titile “Career Preparation and Internship Preparation”.
Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada will held “Eminent Person Talk the Walk: The Sum is Greater than the Parts”.
Curriculum for International Undergraduate Program (IUP) – Program Study of Accounting
Based on Curriculum: Year of 2022 | Year of 2018
Semester 1 | ||||||
Code | Courses | Credits | Compulsory Credits | Type | Prerequisite | Syllabus |
AKU1601 | Introducing to Accounting | 3 | 3 | W | ||
AKU1601a | Tutorial of Introducing to Accounting | 0 | 0 | W | ||
BDU1105 | Indonesian Language and Culture | 3 | 3 | W | ||
BDU1106 | English Writing Skills | 3 | 3 | W | ||
EKO1101 | Introduction to Economics I | 3 | 3 | W | ||
EKO1104 | Mathematics for Economics I | 3 | 3 | W | ||
EKO1108 | Statistics I | 3 | 3 | W | ||
MAN1501 | Introduction to Business | 3 | 3 | W | ||
SPD1303 | Business Environment: Sociology & Politics | 3 | 3 | W | ||
Subtotal Semester 1 | 24 | 24 | ||||
Semester 2 | ||||||
AKU2101 | Intermediate Accounting I | 3 | 3 | W | AKU1601>=C | |
AKU2102 | Intermediate Accounting II | 3 | 3 | W | AKU1601>=C | |
AKU2402 | System and Information Technology | 3 | 3 | W | AKU1401>=C | |
AKU2403 | Accounting Information System | 3 | 3 | W | AKU1401>=C | |
BDU1107 | German Language | 3 | 3 | W | ||
EKO1102 | Introduction to Economics II | 3 | 3 | W | ||
EKO2102 | Statistics Economics II | 3 | 3 | W | EKO1108>=C | |
MAN1502 | Management | 3 | 3 | W | ||
Subtotal Semester 2 | 24 | 24 | ||||
Semester 3 | ||||||
AKU2203 | Cost Accounting and Management Accounting | 3 | 3 | W | AKU1601>=C | |
AKU3105 | Advance Accounting | 3 | 3 | W | AKU2102>=C | |
AKU3307 | Auditing | 6 | 6 | W | AKU2102>=C | |
AKU4408 | Digital Business | 3 | 3 | W | ||
AKU4613 | Special Topics in Accounting | 3 | 3 | W | AKU2102>=C | |
MAN2101 | Financial Management 1 | 3 | 3 | W | MAN1501>=C | |
UNU1100 | Indonesian Values and Ideology | 3 | 3 | W | ||
Subtotal Semester 3 | 24 | 24 | ||||
Semester 4 | ||||||
AKU3203 | Management Control System | 3 | 3 | W | AKU2202>=C | |
AKU3304 | Information System Audit | 3 | 3 | W | AKU2403>=C and AKU3307>=C | |
AKU3404 | Systems Analysis and Design | 3 | 3 | W | AKU2403>=C | |
AKU3501 | Taxation | 3 | 3 | W | AKU2102>=C | |
AKU3502 | Public Sector Accounting | 3 | 3 | W | AKU2102>=C | |
AKU4105 | Accounting Theory | 3 | 3 | W | AKU3104>=C | |
MAN2102 | Financial Management II | 3 | 3 | W | MAN2101>=C | |
MAN2604 | Business Law | 3 | 3 | W | MAN1501>=C | |
Subtotal Semester 4 | 24 | 24 | ||||
Semester 5 | ||||||
AKU3604 | Research Methodology in Accounting | 3 | 3 | W | EKO2102>=C and SKS>=95 | |
AKU3610 | Business and Profession Ethics | 3 | 3 | W | AKU2102>=C and AKU2202>=C and AKU3302>=C | |
EKO3104 | Indonesian Economy | 3 | 3 | W | EKO1102>=C | |
MAN3503 | Business Planning | 3 | 3 | W | ||
MAN4513 | Business Communication and Negotiation | 3 | 3 | W | MAN1501>=C | |
Elective Course 1 | 3 | P | ||||
Elective Course 2 | 3 | P | ||||
Elective Course 3 | 3 | P | ||||
Subtotal Semester 5 | 24 | 15 | ||||
Semester 6 | ||||||
Elective Course 4 | 3 | P | ||||
Elective Course 5 | 3 | P | ||||
Elective Course 6 | 3 | P | ||||
Elective Course 7 | 3 | P | ||||
Elective Course 8 | 3 | P | ||||
Subtotal Semester 6 | 15 | |||||
Semester 7 | ||||||
AKU4611 | Skripsi | 6 | 6 | W | SKS>=132 and IPK>=2.00 and AKU3604>=C | |
UNU222001 | Social Community Service | 4 | 4 | W | SKS>=90 and IPK>=2.00 | |
UNU222002 | Community Communication | 2 | 2 | |||
UNU222004 | Implementation of Knowledge Management | 2 | 2 | |||
Subtotal Semester 7 | 14 | 14 | ||||
Total Credits for Compulsory Courses | 125 | |||||
Total Credits for Elective Courses | 24 | |||||
Total Credits Semester 1-7 | 149 |
Note: Student can take the credits up to 24 credits if they have the GPA min 3,75
List of Elective Courses
No | Code | Courses | Credits | Semester | Prerequisite |
1 | AKU3106 | Financial Statement Analysis | 3 | 6 | AKU3104>=C |
2 | AKU3204 | Strategic Managerial Accounting | 3 | 6 | AKU2202>=C |
3 | AKU3303 | Internal Auditing | 3 | 5 | AKU3301>=C |
4 | AKU3305 | Forensic Accounting and Fraud Investigation | 3 | 5 | AKU3302>=C |
5 | AKU4405 | Database Management System | 3 | AKU3404>=C | |
6 | AKU4406 | Decision Supporting System | 3 | AKU2403>=C | |
7 | AKU4407 | Enterprise Resources Planning | 3 | 6 | AKU2403>=C |
8 | AKU4409 | Data Analytics for Accounting | 3 | 5 | EKO2102>=C AKU2102>=C, and AKU2403>=C |
9 | AKU4503 | Accounting and Financial Accountability | 3 | AKU3502>=C | |
10 | AKU4504 | Tax Planning | 3 | AKU3501>=C | |
11 | AKU4505 | International Taxation | 3 | AKU3501>=C | |
12 | AKU4506 | Public Financial Management | 3 | AKU3502>=C | |
13 | AKU4612 | Portfolio and Investment Analysis | 3 | 5 | MAN2101>=C |
14 | AKU4614 | Sharia Accounting | 3 | 2 | SKS>=95 |
15 | AKU4615 | Corporate Governance | 3 | 3 | SKS>=95 |
16 | EKO4401 | Bank and Financial Institutions | 3 | EKO1102>=C | |
17 | MAN1401 | Quantitative Methods and Decision Making | 3 | EKO1104>=C | |
18 | MAN2204 | Marketing | 3 | 3 | MAN1501>=C |
19 | MAN2301 | Organizational Behavior | 3 | MAN1501>=C | |
20 | MAN2402 | Operation Management | 3 | MAN1501>=C and MAN1401>=C | |
21 | MAN3104 | Business Valuation | 3 | MAN2102>=C | |
22 | MAN3105 | International Financial Management | 3 | 5 | MAN2102>=C |
23 | MAN3303 | Cross Cultural Management | 3 | ||
24 | MAN3305 | Strategic Management | 3 | 6 | MAN1501>=C and MAN1502>=C |
25 | MAN3404 | Supply Chain Management | 3 | MAN2402>=C | |
26 | MAN3506 | International Business | 3 | 5 | MAN1501>=C |
27 | MAN3508 | Managerial Economics | 3 | EKO1104>=C and EKO1102>=C | |
28 | MAN3510 | Entrepreneurship | 3 | 3 | MAN1501>=C |
29 | UNU1000 | Religion: Islam | 2 |
Note: For elective courses, students are advised to take 3 elective courses with the code AKU
Undergraduate Program of the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada in cooperation with PT P&G Indonesia would held “Presentation Internship Program and Test PT P&G Indonesia”.
The event will be held on:
Once again, students from the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM), can be proud of their achievements.
The Undergraduate Program of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gajah Mada in collaboration with FEB UGM alumni batch 1988 will held a Soft Skill for undergraduate students.
Hilmawan Kusumajaya, a students with the International Undergraduate Program at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (IUP FEB UGM), successfully finished in the top five Asia-Pacific in the January 2015 edition of the