The Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) collaborated with the Djalaluddin Pane Waqf Foundation which was officially marked by the signing of the MoU during the National Seminar on Monday (26/09). The scope of cooperation that was agreed to be realized includes various aspects in the implementation of the Tri Dharma of higher education, including understanding to the community, organizing scientific forums, and student program collaboration. In addition, one of the concrete examples of the cooperation agreement between the two parties is the provision of scholarships through ZISWAF funds for the best students.
The signing of the MoU of cooperation was held offline at the Auditorium of the FEB UGM Learning Building which was witnessed by representatives from the FEB UGM academic community, representatives of the Djalaluddin Pane Waqf Foundation, and participants of the National Seminar. Representatives from the Djalaluddin Pane Waqf Foundation were attended by Ir. Mira Hartika, as the President Director of the Djalaluddin Pane Waqf Foundation, and Arif Purbadi, as the Waqf Director of the Djalaluddin Pane Waqf Foundation.
The event began with remarks by the FEB UGM which was delivered by Prof. Dr. Didi Achjari, M.Com., Ak., CA., as the Dean of FEB UGM. In his speech, Didi expressed his hope for this collaboration so that FEB UGM as an educational institution can provide benefits and contribute to society through collaborative actions or increasing literacy related to the role of Islamic social finance. In the future, Didi also hopes that FEB UGM can collaborate more with Islamic philanthropic institutions.
The event was then continued with the delivery of remarks from the Djalaluddin Pane Waqf Foundation delivered by Ir. Mira Hartika as President Director of the Djalaluddin Pane Waqf Foundation. In her speech, as a philanthropic institution that has been mandated by the state through the Ministry of State as a national amil zakat institution, Mira expressed the great vision of the Djalaluddin Waqf Foundation for the future to make Islamic social finance able to become one of the pillars in building the nation and state. This cooperative effort is one form of hope that it will spread goodness and many virtues.
Next was the highlight of the event, namely the signing session of the MoU on cooperation and the exchange of souvenirs from each party. The signing of the MoU text of the cooperation agreement indicates that there has been an official agreement between FEB UGM and the Djalaluddin Pane Waqf Foundation which ended with a group photo session.
Reportase: Kirana Lalita Pristy.