Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada in collaboration with Doctoral Students and Alumni in Economics and business Universitas Gadjah Mada (IMADEBGAMA) will held a Doctoral Colloquium and Conference (DCC-FEB UGM) with the theme “Enhancing Indonesia’s Competitive Advantage for the Betterment of the Society.”
FEB UGM invite students and doctoral graduate, researchers and academics in the fields of Economics, Management and Accounting to present his research paper for the aim to introduce a wide range of current research topics and methods that contribute to increase welfare for Indonesia’s society.
Paper topics which will be discussed in the Colloquium and Conference covering topics in the field of empiric research of Economics, Management and Accountancy, outlined as follows:
- Economics Of Development
- Public Economics
- Monetary Economics
- Economics Of International Trade
- Regional Economics
- Economics of natural resources and the environment
- Institutional Economics
- And topics related to economic
- Human Resource Management
- Financial Management
- Marketing Management
- Strategic Management
- Operations Management
- And topics related to management
- Financial Accounting
- Managerial Accounting
- Auditing Practices
- Taxation
- Accounting Information Systems
- Public Sector Accounting
- Behavioral Accounting
- Islamic Accounting
- Accounting Education
- Corporate Governance, ethics and Accounting Profession
- And topics related to accounting
The paper submission is a full paper, which are divided into two categories namely colloquium (part of the dissertation) and conference (research results). The number of pages are no more than 20 sheets that are sent to the website http://imadebgama.feb.ugm.ac.id or to the email address dcc.feb.ugm@gmail.com. Paper writing guideline can be see in the website. Paper must contain the background, literature review, data and methodologies, as well as contributions to science. Paper can be submitted in Bahasa Indonesia or in English, while the language of the abstract must be in English.
Time and place:
- Day/date: Saturday-Thursday, November 26-27, 2014
- Time: 8.0am – 4.30pm
- Venue: Building of Mater of Science and Doctoral Programs in Economics, Management and Accounting FEB UGM
Important dates:
- The deadline for submission of full paper: October 31, 2014
- The accepted papers announcements: November 7, 2014
- The deadline for Early Bird Registration: September 30, 2014
- Deadline for registration: November 14, 2014
- Implementation of the DCC: November 26-27, 2014
Keynote Speakers:
- Prof. Ari Kuncoro, Ph.D. (University Of Indonesia)
Panel Sessions:
- Prof. Chandra Cahyadi, Ph.D. (Eastern Illinois University)
- Lili Yan Ing, Ph.D. (ERIA)
- Prof. Dr. Sidharta, C.F.A. (University Of Indonesia)
- Dr. Irwan Adi Ekaputra, M.M. (University Of Indonesia)
- Sujoko Efferin, Ph.D (University Of Richmond)
- Ardyanto Fitradi, Ph.D (UGM)
Registration Fee:
- Writer: Rp. 500.000,-
- Participant: IDR 350.000,- Early Bird: Rp. 250.000,-
Registration can be transfer through Bank Mandiri, Account No. 88888.020.9411.0003 a.n. UGM FEB DOKTOR PENERIMAAN SEMINAR/PELATIHAN/WORKSHOP.
Contact person:
- Wiwin, Fajar (0817 5464 545)
- Riana Wijayanti (0274-580726)
- Secretariat of DCC (0822 4225 6696)
- Email: dcc.feb.ugm@gmail.com
Website: http://imadebgama.feb.ugm.ac.id