Agency for Trade Assessment and Development (BPPP) Ministry of Trade Republic of Indonesia in cooperation with Faculty of Economics and Business UGM will conduct a Dissemination of Study Results in the Trade Sector.
This event will be held on:
- Day: Thursday
- Date: March 1, 2018
- Time: 08:30 am to 12:00 pm
- Venue: Kertanegara Room, FEB UGM
- Aziza R. Salam (Researcher of International Trade Cooperation Assessment Center)
Topic: Study on the Benefits and Fees of Indonesia’s Participation in the ASEAN-Canada Free Trade Agreement - Naufa Muna (Researcher of Foreign Trade Research Center)
Topic: Study on Enhancing Export of Indonesian Processed Food to the Middle East - Prof. Tri Widodo, Ph.D (Researcher and Lecturer at FEB UGM)
Topic: International Trading Study
- Participants: Students, Lecturers, Researchers, Practitioners, and Public participant
- Fill in the online registration form, click here (limited seating, provide lunch, and certificate)
Download: Presentation Material (PDF)
For further information about this event can contact: Dean Office of FEB UGM, tel 0274 548510 ext 103, Contact persons: Ika / Cindy.