Thursday (14/9) Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) opened the 5th Gadjah Mada International Conference on Economics and Business (GAMAICEB) 2017 conference in BRI Auditorium, FEB UGM under a theme “Sustainable Development: Challenge and Opportunity in Developing Countries”. Vice Dean for Finance, Asset, and Human Resource FEB UGM, Kusdhianto Setiawan, Sivilekonom, Ph. D., opened the conference. The first session of the conference lead by Heni Wahyuni, S.E., M. Ec. Dev., Ph. D. There were 3 presenters in the session; Prof. Juliet Willetts, Ph.D. (University of Technology Sidney, Australia), A. Tony Prasetiantono, Ph.D., (Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia), dan Salmi Mohd. Isa, Ph.D. (Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia).
Tony Prasetiantono begun the first session of the conference by presenting the history of subprime mortgage in US which caused global crisis. According to him, global crisis was influenced by finance sector especially by the derivative transaction. “Indonesia was lucky for there was only small amount of derivative transaction. Thus, the impact of global crisis was not significant. In addition, Indonesia possessed lots of natural resources”, as Tony said.
Tony added that, President Joko Widodo focused in fostering the infrastructure development. It’s conducted by prioritizing infrastructure development in the APBN. Its allocation came after the allocation for education.
Juliet Willetts delivered her presentation in the 2nd session. In this session, Juliet Willetts emphasized on the Sustainable Development (SG) 6 in clean water and sanitation. According to her, there were 3 important things; connection integration, small scale entrepreneur, sanitation access, waste water and water quality, the efficiency use of water, integrated water resource, and water protection.
Salmi Mohd. Isa, in the 3rd session, emphasized in the leadership role in business and sustainability. “In the sustainable development, the main focus was on the human resource and leadership”, as Isa said. Isa added that there were 5 things that a business leader should believe on, those were; reducing cost, mitigating risk, generating revenue, triggering innovation, and increasing the development of human resources.
After the presentation session, the session was continued by the question and answer session. Then in was continued by paper presentations by the participants.
Source: Ade/FEB UGM