Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UGM held Orientation Day for the incoming international students in Audiovisual Room FEB UGM. Orientation Day, a regular event held by the Office of International Affairs (OIA) UGM, was opened with a welcome dance performances. Dean of the Faculty, Eko Suwardi, Ph. D delivered an opening speech. He was accompanied by Mahfud Sholihin, Ph.D. (Vice Dean of Academic and Student Affairs) and Amirullah Setya Hardi, Ph.D. (Vice Dean for Research, Community Service, Cooperation and Alumni). In the second semester of this academic year 2016/2017, FEB UGM would be the home from 28 students from 7 countries i.e. Germany, the Netherlands, Austria, France, Spain, Japan, and Taiwan.
Wieda Herdiana, S.S., M. Si. as the Head of OIA FEB, presented couple facts about Indonesia, especially about social and cultural issues. She also added information about ethics in FEB campus and about the environmental and community in Yogyakarta. Singgih Wijayana, Ph.D. as the Head of the Department of Accounting for Undergraduate Program, delivered information on academic regulations that must be obeyed by students during studying at FEB UGM.
Some staffs of FEB UGM, those who are serving in Admissions, Academic, IT / Computer, and Library Office also provided some further information for the students. OIA UGM which are represented by Ms. Erni Kurnia Putri and Mr. Ari Putri Kurnia W. Argo Putro explained about the procedure extension of stay (visa and KITAS) and the issue of security during stay in Indonesia.
The ceremony was closed with the presentation from the representative students who join in Global Leaders Forum (GLF) and Student Executive Board or Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa (BEM). They informed about their upcoming agendas such as Trip to Mount Merapi and Sport Day.
Source: Asih/FEB