On realizing support and a forum for lecturers, researchers, and students to publish and disseminate articles in the fields of economic and business research, the Publication Unit of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada held a Workshop and Clinical Writing of Scientific Articles. The event was held on Saturday (11/30) at the Learning Center Auditorium, FEB UGM. To support the achievement of the objectives of the event, the FEB UGM Publication Unit also invited two speakers who have a wealth of experience in the field of writing and publication in international journals.
The event began with a presentation on How to Get Published material by guest speaker Irwan Sukardi, M.B.A as Business Manager of Indonesia, Emerald Group Publishing. Irwan explained how the strategies could be adopted by researchers in order to be transparent to international journals from the perspective of the publisher.
The second session continued with the presentation of material about tips through international journals by the Lecturer of the Department of Economics FEB UGM, Gumilang Aryo Sahadewo, Ph.D. Gumilang shared experiences and tips related to the process of publishing research articles in international journals.
Then, the last session was a coaching clinic and Q and A session. In this session, discussed research articles that have been sent by participants according to the schedule that was prepared earlier.
To increase knowledge and understanding in the field of writing research articles that are able to be published in international journals, it is hoped that this event can be a pioneer for the Indonesian education world to be richer in conducting scientific publications for international journals.
Source: Sony Budiarso/Leila Chanifah Zuhri