Changes that come during the Covid-19 pandemic are very difficult to control. Covid-19, which began to infect many people, forced people to live isolated lives from the world. The pandemic that lasted for two years not only had an impact on the human body but also on the human mind. By isolating themselves at home, many people in society are becoming more creative and able to learn many things. All of these things are done to improve the personal branding that is within you. To discuss this topic, the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) held a conference in one of the lecture series as part of the virtual summer program (I-WEEK) on Wednesday (29/06). The discussion will be presented by Dhita Wirapradja, SH, EPT a Certified International Etiquette Trainer and Investor Relations Professional as well as Founder of DW Ettique Indonesia and IR Pertamini with the topic “An amazing brand call you.”
Dhita explained that the two-year pandemic had changed human life and the well-planned schedule. These changes include limiting social interactions in the real world, a lack of practice of manners and social etiquette, and a tendency to hide behind the digital. The absence of the Naturale world in full in life makes people move their social activities to the virtual world. This is the most appropriate alternative used. Even though the world has become out of control as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, we as humans must be able to control ourselves.
To build a better self-quality, we need to improve hard skills and soft skills to build personal branding positive Personal branding is what you have to show others about the best version of yourself. The power of personal branding for everyone is to feel that you have high values so that others will appreciate you more. In addition, everyone has the opportunity to show himself so try to be more daring to show yourself. To build personal branding, Dhita also explained the need for recognition from others for prestige. The most important thing is to build confidence in yourself as well as the trust of others.
In her presentation, Dhita explained that several manners can be applied in daily life to build personal branding. The trick is to smile at others, create an open gesture, a firm posture, a tone of voice that is not too loud and soft, make eye contact with the other person, and appreciate the differences that exist between one another. In addition, there are also virtual ethics that must be maintained. These include calling before holding a meeting, turning on the camera, giving a smile, being on time, dressing neatly, correcting the background, and calling after the meeting.
The ways above can be done to shape the human manner for the better. Although social activities during the pandemic are carried out virtually, manners are still important and must always be maintained. In addition to manners, it is also important to improve hard skills and soft skills to create personal branding. This is done because you are a brand that you create yourself.
Reportage: Merisa Anggraini
Watch the full video presentation: https://youtu.be/s3BWFVGT54g