The most touching and proud moment is felt by parents when they see their children completing their education. On Wednesday (22/02) Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) held a student release at the Grha Sabha Pramana (GSP) building. “After completing your education, Gadjah Mada University hopes that you will continue to commit to the development of science and technology and uphold the alma mater of Gadjah Mada University,” said Prof. dr. Ova Emilia, M.Med.Ed., Sp.OG(K)., Ph.D. as Chancellor of UGM in conveying the chancellor’s mandate.
Furthermore, graduation activities are continued in each faculty. The Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UGM held a graduation ceremony at the Auditorium of the 8th Floor Learning Center Building. The activity was opened with a Karawitan sekar barrels association which is a community of musicians preserving art at FEB UGM. Karawitan Sekar Laras consists of all FEB UGM members, namely lecturers, Dharma Wanita, and staff members of FEB UGM.
Furthermore, the reading of the graduation report and achievement reading was delivered by Sekar Utami Setiastuti, S.E., M.Sc., Ph.D. as the Head of the Bachelor of Economics Study Program. The Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) graduated 78 undergraduate graduates with details of 25 graduates coming from the Accounting Department, 36 from management, and 17 from Economics. Of the 78 graduates, 43 of them received the cum laude predicate with details of 12 graduates majoring in accounting, 21 in management, and 10 in economics. In this second period, the best GPA winner of FEB UGM was Annisya Ayu Ramadhani who also won the highest GPA for the Accounting Study Program with a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.85 and a study period of 3 years 5 months 8 days. The graduate with the best GPA in Management Study Program was won by Widya Ayu Amelia who earned a GPA of 3.81 with a study period of 3 years 5 months 7 days.
Meanwhile, the fastest graduate was Alifia Marina Syarfi who also won the highest GPA from the economics study program with a GPA of 3.82 and a study period of 3 years 3 months 10 days. Furthermore, the youngest graduate was Stephanie Dame Augustine from the Economics Study Program who graduated at the age of 21 years and 3 months. Sekar also mentioned several graduates who not only have academic achievements, but also non-academic ones. “Make yourself proud, make your parents proud, and make your country proud” Sekar messaged the graduates.
Furthermore, said The greeting was given by Annisya Ayu Ramadhani who represented the second period of FEB UGM graduates for the 2022/2023 Academic Year. Annisya expressed his gratitude to FEB UGM for facilitating her in carrying out his education for approximately 4 years. According to Annisya, studying at FEB UGM made her not just a quality student, but to be a good person. She also thanked the staff, students, and lecturers of FEB UGM, as well as KAFEGAMA who always support organizational activities and events at FEB UGM. She also thanks his parents and family who always support him and hopes that the knowledge he gets will be useful for himself and help people out there.
Furthermore, the remarks from the representatives of the graduates parents were delivered by Jhonson Simbolon, S.E. as parents of sister Cita Amalia Husna, Bachelor of Accounting study program. In his speech, He expressed my gratitude to the dean, faculty management, employees, and the community who always support and provide guidance to their children so that they can complete their education well. Johnson also mentioned that the moment of graduation for parents is the most unforgettable, but for graduates, this is a turning point from the formal world to the real life ahead.
Meanwhile, Dr. Bogat Agus Riyono, Msc., Ak. as Deputy Chairperson of PP KAFEGAMA said that KAFEGAMAwelcomed the graduates to become part of KAFEGAMA with the slogan “Guyub Rukun Wigunani”. Bogat advised that the graduates as alumni of FEB UGM could help younger students who had financial difficulties to study at FEB UGM.Prof. Didi Achjari M. Kom Ak. CA as the Dean of FEB UGM gave his speech. Didi advised that clever – smart students and the knowledge they have, still have to respect their parents and must continue to thank parents by giving attention. Didi is also grateful to KAFEGAMA which always supports by providing funding in the form of scholarships.
Furthermore, FEB UGM gave awards and pinned KAFEGAMA pins to the youngest, fastest, and best graduates. The activity closed with a prayer reading and continued with a group photo. Congratulations to the graduates and graduates on their graduation.
Reportage: Merisa Anggraini